Simplify Site Maintenance with SSI

Written by John Calder

© 2004, John Calder

Server Side Includes (SSI), for many marketers, are a bit likerepparttar U.S. National Security Agency - it's something you've heard of, but you don't understand completely what they do. In this article, rather than bore you withrepparttar 132370 technical details, let's just take a look atrepparttar 132371 benefits and drawbacks of implementing SSI on your site, to see if learningrepparttar 132372 technical details is worthrepparttar 132373 trouble.

SSI has several capabilities, but for our purposes, we just want to make our site easier to maintain. For example, if we want to change a color, we normally have to make that change separately on every page of our site. Five or ten pages isn't really a problem, but what if you have 100, 200, or thousands? Even a simple addition of a menu item will take hours, andrepparttar 132374 chances of making an error increase. SSI will let us easily make such changes, one time, and apply them across your entire site.

Here's where SSI comes in. Let's just imagine that we take one of our web pages, and divide it into three sections, a top, middle, and bottom, much like a sandwich. The "meat" ofrepparttar 132375 sandwich is our content on each page that's different. Butrepparttar 132376 "bread" isrepparttar 132377 same on every page. What we can do is moverepparttar 132378 top "slice of bread" to a "top" file, andrepparttar 132379 bottom "slice" to a "bottom" file.

Diabolical Design

Written by John Calder

© 2004, John Calder

You can find guides and tips on good web site design everywhere. In 1998, Vincent Flanders co-authored a book with a unique twist. It was called "Web Pages That Suck", and Mr. Flanders followed that with a similar co-authored book in 2002. In that spirit, we'd like to offer you our top five tips on diabolical design - how to create web pages that look like h-, well, you know.

1. Use javascript and Flash. Lots and lots of it. Make sure you ignorerepparttar fact that my browser isn't 100% compatible. If you can, try to crash my browser. It's not always 100% compatible, and I really likerepparttar 132368 color in that little Windows error box anyway.

2. I like a lot of gratuitous graphics too. Include lots of large files that take a while to download, especially over dialup. A long while. It would be an especially nice touch if you can have some heavy zig-zag and grid backgrounds, something that blends in with your text for that nice, unified look. And whatever you do, don't forgetrepparttar 132369 little animated GIF files! They're cute, and especially distracting, so I'd like a lot of those too, please, all around your page.

3. If I do manage to get to one of your pages, please be certain that you've fixedrepparttar 132370 font sizes with CSS. Make them, oh, about 8 or 9 pixels high, bolded. That should do it - well, except use lots of different colors and font styles, just to prove to me you can. While you're inrepparttar 132371 CSS file anyway, try to get rid of some of that extra white space by adjustingrepparttar 132372 line height (the space between lines of text) so that it's only 1/2 it's normal space. There's no use in my having to scroll downrepparttar 132373 page - make sure it's all aboverepparttar 132374 fold, OK?

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