Silver Pocket Watch Cases and Their Development

Written by Terry Nelson, Antique Watch Repair Service

The American Railroad wasrepparttar second most influential contribution torepparttar 125346 advancement of our early nation. Our county's founding papers were first. The Railroad linkedrepparttar 125347 industrialized east withrepparttar 125348 growing west. The keeping of time went hand and glove withrepparttar 125349 railroad. For safety reasons it was vital to know when a heavy loaded and fast moving train was to be on a certain stretch of track. The American Waltham pocket watch andrepparttar 125350 telegraph working together broughtrepparttar 125351 standard of time, that made rail transportation safer and dependable. Soon as American watch factories perfected their manufacturing and marketing process, these prized mechanical wonders were attainable torepparttar 125352 commoner and railroad man alike. While their protective gold cases were beautiful works of art, gold was soft and expensive. Coin silver though beautiful and more affordable than gold, was also sometimes too soft forrepparttar 125353 rugged demands placed on a pocket watch case. An alloy was developed specifically to meetrepparttar 125354 needs ofrepparttar 125355 American pocket watch case that answerrepparttar 125356 question of durably and affordability. This combination of 45% nickel, 54% copper and 1% manganese was called silveroid, silverore, silverode or silverine. It was easy to polish, very hard and looked just like coin silver.

Christmas Shoppers - get your shopping done quickly, but not too quickly

Written by Gary R. Hess

For now on, everything goes, clothes, game consoles, diamond rings and withrepparttar Christmas Season officially starting, everything and anything will be on-sale but one thing’s for sure, it’s never too early to start shopping.

However,repparttar 125345 after Thanksgiving Day Shopper is a ferocious creature, so if you tend to stay away from rushes which kill hundreds each year, you might want to wait untilrepparttar 125346 week after.

Every year there is a hit toy or electronic that your loved ones would love to have, but you got there too late or went torepparttar 125347 wrong store. Last yearrepparttar 125348 DVD players from Wal-Mart, years before Tickle-Me-Elmo’s, so why not start your Christmas shopping now, before it’s too late?

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