Silicon Valley Pirates – Take Some Ideas And Make Your Self Different To Earn More

Written by Glenn Prialde

Do you want to start a home-based business? Read this article first, you might find it useful.

We all knowrepparttar names Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but do you really knowrepparttar 103198 story behind them? Well, guess what movie I just saw? It's a movie entitled “Pirates of Silicon Valley”.

I am not going to tell yourepparttar 103199 whole story, butrepparttar 103200 movie was all about Apple and Microsoft. How they started and how they became rich!

The most interesting part ofrepparttar 103201 movie was aboutrepparttar 103202 idea of copying, or should I say pirating another programmer’s or company’s idea.

My point is that although copying a piece of software, an article, a design or even a logo might be illegal, it is not illegal to take some ideas out from existing ones and make new ones out of them.

Let’s take a website as an example. You want to own a home-based business, but don’t know where to start. So why not go to your favorite search engine and start searching for sites onrepparttar 103203 fields that you are good at.

Let’s just say you love to write. Search forrepparttar 103204 keywords 'writing', 'copywriting' and all other keywords related to writing. I know you will get thousands of results but you don’t have to go through all of them, just pickrepparttar 103205 ones that best suit you.

10 Reasons Why Your Company Needs An Effective Web Site!

Written by Chris Maley

1. Be Open For Business 24 Hours A Day

Your business is open torepparttar world 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no labor costs to watch out for and a website faces no time zone barriers.

2. Reach New Markets With a Global Audience

The Internet isrepparttar 103197 most cost effective way to trade nationally and internationally. A website will broaden your base of customers, members, distributors or suppliers. You can generate more and more clients for your business without doing additional marketing or having to endure additional marketing costs. Today, more and more customers are making purchases throughrepparttar 103198 Internet. Why should you limit your business to your immediate locale whenrepparttar 103199 whole world may be your potential market? Thanks torepparttar 103200 Internet, it is as easy to sell halfway acrossrepparttar 103201 world as it is to sell acrossrepparttar 103202 street.

3. Marketing Hot Spot For The Global Economy

The Internet has becomerepparttar 103203 marketing hot spot forrepparttar 103204 global economy. Many business leaders are realizing that their organizations will thrive in this global internet economy who will grasp its importance before their competitors do. A well-designed website is not only an internet identity for your organization, it is an essential part ofrepparttar 103205 success and future of your company this new information age.

4. Present a Professional and Credible Image

Your organization must makerepparttar 103206 leap intorepparttar 103207 new marketing realm if it is to be perceived as professional in today's marketplace. Today, customers, employees, and suppliers expect to be able to find and communicate with a business online. It is very much like having to be listed inrepparttar 103208 yellow pages inrepparttar 103209 past, if you do not have a listing, potential customers will not be able to find you and have confidence in your business over your competition. Businesses that do not have a Web presence are making a statement about their inability to embrace technology and adapt to change in today's growing technical environment. For a small business, a well-designed website is a great way of creating credibility and looking bigger than you actually are. You can look like one ofrepparttar 103210 big corporations at a very small cost. When one comparesrepparttar 103211 cost of establishing a website to what it costs to promote a business in any other traditional media (newspaper, radio, television), it is evident that a website isrepparttar 103212 cheapest form of marketing ever created forrepparttar 103213 audience and value it brings to your business.

5. Improved Customer Service

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