Signing With Your Baby: Helpful Hints

Written by Monica Beyer

While there aren't any solid rules regarding signing with your baby, I've had enough experience signing with my own child that I can pass along some helpful hints. Be consistent. Userepparttar signrepparttar 111664 same way every time forrepparttar 111665 same action or object. This will help your baby become familiar withrepparttar 111666 sign and she will be able to sign it back to you sooner.

Be happy. Frowning and bored voices will not make a baby eager to sign.

Be open to interpretation. Babies will not always make a sign correctlyrepparttar 111667 first time they sign it, just like they won't speak a word correctlyrepparttar 111668 first time they speak it. Keep signingrepparttar 111669 wordrepparttar 111670 correct way and your baby will soon grow more accurate.

Signing With Your Baby: Signing and Babysitters

Written by Monica Beyer

Imagine this: You come to pick up your baby from her day-care after a long day at work or after a quick run torepparttar store. Expecting to find a delighted baby, you're greeted by your child's frustrated caregiver and your fussy infant. "What does this mean?"repparttar 111663 babysitter asks, rotating her fists. You unhappily realize that your baby has been trying to ask for a changed diaper forrepparttar 111664 last hour and her caregiver didn't understandrepparttar 111665 sign she was using.

Some parents who sign with their babies are stay-at-home-mothers, while some moms work outsiderepparttar 111666 home. Working presents a unique situation because your baby likely goes to a babysitter for a certain amount of time duringrepparttar 111667 day and he or she may not be aware that you sign with your baby. Even SAHM's can understandrepparttar 111668 problems that may arise when they leave their babies inrepparttar 111669 care of a grandmother or favorite aunt for a night out or a baby-free grocery-shopping event.

My husband cares forrepparttar 111670 children duringrepparttar 111671 day while I'm at school, and he works at night while I'm home. So, I am not intimately familiar withrepparttar 111672 concerns of those who use outside help on a full-time basis. I do, however, understand how it can be a big concern for those trying to establish signing withrepparttar 111673 baby and are unsure of how daycare will affect their efforts.

Michelle, located inrepparttar 111674 UK, put her daughter Rio into full-time day-care atrepparttar 111675 age of 8 months. "I had mentioned from day one that I was teaching her to sign," she said. "The nursery were very interested in what I was doing and Rio's two main carers borrowedrepparttar 111676 book and video to watch before she started there full time so that they had an insight into what she was doing." Her experience was a positive one because she had caregivers who were open-minded and positive about baby signing. "Onrepparttar 111677 whole I found that there was a growing interest and very positive approach to baby signing," she said.

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