Sigh......Life is too short......

Written by Zackery Lim

Many of us work day in day out every month earning a miserable amount of money we call income. And for this measly sum we trade in our valuable time and effort, which we can put to better use elsewhere, each and every day!

Have you ever taken a good look atrepparttar faces ofrepparttar 103801 people around you onrepparttar 103802 bus or subway every morning to work? Don’t you think they would rather stay at home? But everybody needs to work to survive, you say. Sure I agree. But that doesn’t mean you have to physically go to work everyday! I’m a firm believer of working from home and spending quality time with your family and loved ones. Working for someone was never my cup of tea. Why shouldn’t you work for someone?

Working for someone takes your time away from what you should be doing. For example, everyday you spend working for someone, you are making him richer and yourself poorer. Your boss is using your time and effort, to bring more money in for him, and because you spend most of your time there, you have no time to make yourself rich. A simple but often ignored fact!

As your boss gets richer, he hasrepparttar 103803 time and money to spend quality time with his family. And to continue with that kind of lifestyle require more money. Where does that leave you? More work! If you have not woken up before, you better wake up now.

Listen: Life is short, yes, real short. Why should big bosses and rich people berepparttar 103804 only one to enjoy any good lifestyle? Every one is born equal and every one deserves to getrepparttar 103805 best out of life. That is why I’m an active advocate of working from home and for yourself. When you work from home, you decide your work schedule, you spend more time with your family and you work hard to make yourself richer, not anyone else.

Withrepparttar 103806 Internet starting to boom again afterrepparttar 103807 bust a couple of years ago, opportunities abound for anyone and everyone to seriously consider a stay-at-home career.

Being a Disciplined Home Business Boss

Written by Lawrence Roth

Leavingrepparttar corporate world for a home business is exciting. Being one’s own boss and making one’s own decisions is a great feeling. However, one still needs to have discipline to be effective at being a home business boss. In my home business I have found at least two things that one must be persistently disciplined about in order to achieve success.

First isrepparttar 103800 work schedule. A home business like any business requires work and often a lot of work. While it is true you do not have to get up at daybreak and put on a suit and tie to drive to work, one does need to set a work schedule and stick to it. I have set my schedule to work 8 to 5 Monday through Friday. I take an hour for lunch. I require myself to work a minimum of forty hours a week for my home business.

When I first started my home business it was easy to become distracted by things that need to be done aroundrepparttar 103801 house: laundry, dirty dishes, mowingrepparttar 103802 yard, etc. It is very important to treatrepparttar 103803 home business like a regular job and in reality it is a regular job, it just happens to be inrepparttar 103804 home. If you were working for someone else they would not tolerate you going home to clean dishes or mowrepparttar 103805 yard, so to be a disciplined home business boss and do not allow yourself to do things other than working on your home business.

The second is in regards to interruptions. I have found it absolutely amazing that family and friends seem to think that just because you stay a home duringrepparttar 103806 day that you have nothing else to do. When I first started working at home I was surprised atrepparttar 103807 many requests my family and friends had of my time. My best advice, which was given to me by another home business worker, is, ‘If they are not on fire or if they are not bleeding they do not need your attention.” Now don’t takerepparttar 103808 statement literally but what it basically means is, unless it is a real emergency do not let your family and friends interrupt your work schedule.

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