Sideways Thinking, the Ultimate AdWords Resource

Written by Daniel Brough

There are two reasons to love Google AdWords above all other pay-per-click search engines.

The first is obvious: Google is used 200 million+ times a day.

The second reason is that AdWords rewards advertisers who are ‘smart’, and punishes advertisers who are ‘stupid’. In AdWords, ad placement is only partially determined by how much you’re willing to pay for each click. The more important determining factor is how high your ad’s click-through rate is.

What this means is that a well written and targeted ad can rise in placement, even ifrepparttar actual cost-per-click for that ad is set low. In simplest terms this meansrepparttar 120593 little guy (me) can compete withrepparttar 120594 big boys (giant corporations with mega advertising budgets) and win.

One ofrepparttar 120595 best ways to do this is by employing ‘sideways thinking’, or thinking outsiderepparttar 120596 box.

For example, let’s suppose you want to promote an online gambling site. Well, every Tom, Dick, & Harry knows that allrepparttar 120597 obvious keywords for this (gambling, online gaming, gamble) are already going to be used by allrepparttar 120598 other people out there who are running ads for online gambling sites, and those keywords are going to have very high bids on them.

Avoiding Pay-per-click mistakes: Don’t drop Winning Ad Campaigns!

Written by Daniel Brough

Here’s a fairly common mistake that is made byrepparttar newbie torepparttar 120592 pay-per-click scene.

So you’ve started a Google AdWords campaign, and you’ve registered as an affiliate with several different products, and you’ve found at least one product that’s making you money.

Let’s say you’ve found a toy company that pays you 10% ofrepparttar 120593 sale to promote their products (just for a tangible example we’ll refer to it as ‘Toy Company #1’)

You’ve played around, tweaked your ads, and you’re getting a little success. Bravo! Things are running inrepparttar 120594 black, and you’re making steady profits.

But wait, you’re still combingrepparttar 120595 Internet, looking for new and better opportunities when bam, all of a sudden you find Toy Company #2. Wow, Toy Company #2 looks really great. It pays a 20% commission on all sales, andrepparttar 120596 landing page seems easier and more intuitive thanrepparttar 120597 landing page for Toy Company #1.

Beingrepparttar 120598 wise and quick-to-evolve pay-per-clicker you are, you swiftly joinrepparttar 120599 affiliate program for Toy Company #2 and set up an ad campaign for it, using many ofrepparttar 120600 same ads and keywords that you’ve had such great success with in promoting Toy Company #1.

Surprise! Toy Company #2 is a great find! It converts much better than Toy Company #1 and moreover it pays much more per sale! You’re ecstatic! Greater success!

And then comesrepparttar 120601 mistake. Thinking ruefully what a sucker you’ve been all along for promoting Toy Company #1 instead of Toy Company #2, you pullrepparttar 120602 plug on your ad campaign for Toy Company #1.

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