Side-effect Free Cholesterol Drug

Written by Melissa Gordon | October 20 2004

Advanced Plant Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is applying for patients and undergoing FDA suitable clinical trials for its newest venture Lo-Chol(tm). Lo-chol(tm) is a whole plant nutraceutical that in clinical studies produced a 58% reduction in cholesterol.

The Ayurvedic Skincare Routine for Facial Skin

Written by Shreelata Suresh

Clear, healthy, lustrous skin can be yours at any age if you spend just a few minutes taking care of it everyday.

A skincare routine should ideally start inrepparttar pre-teen years and be followed regularly forrepparttar 114468 best results. Also, a healthy balanced diet and an efficient digest-absorb-assimilate cycle inside your body are crucial for vital, healthy skin.

Three simple twice-a-day steps for facial skin:

Ten minutes is all it takes each morning and evening to care for facial skin.

Cleansing: Cleansing not only removes surface grime, make-up and impurities, it also stimulates your skin and preps it for topical nourishment. Forrepparttar 114469 face and neck, it's a must-do each morning and night. Choose a non-soap cleanser appropriate for your skin type, or a tridoshic formulation balanced to work on all skin types. If you have dry Vata skin (space or air predominant skin), choose a rich, nourishing cleanser that won't striprepparttar 114470 natural oils fromrepparttar 114471 skin, with ingredients like oatmeal, almond meal and cream. If you have sensitive fire predominant skin, choose a gentle herbal cleanser that will purify without irritatingrepparttar 114472 skin. Sandalwood in fine oatmeal with a little cooling milk and rose water makes a gentle Pitta-pacifying cleanser. For oily earth or water predominant skin, a stimulating product that contains oil-balancing herbs such as lavender, lemon, neem and tulsi helps cleanse and clarify.

Prepare your cleanser if you are starting with a dry mix. Then splash your face with lukewarm water to openrepparttar 114473 pores. Never use hot water on your skin; it will cause your skin to literally wilt. Using your fingertips or a soft washcloth, gently applyrepparttar 114474 cleanser to your face and neck in smooth upward strokes. The skin surface should get stimulated without being pulled or stretched. Rinse off with warm water, and finish with a final splash of cool water. If you wear make-up, two cleansings ofrepparttar 114475 face at night may be appropriate to make sure all of it is cleansed off.

Toning: Toning is an important step inrepparttar 114476 daily skincare routine because it removes any lingering impurities or greasy residue and helps balancerepparttar 114477 pH ofrepparttar 114478 skin. It closesrepparttar 114479 pores and stimulates circulation, helping to preparerepparttar 114480 skin to absorb nutrition fromrepparttar 114481 moisturizer that follows. Choose a toner appropriate for your skin type, and look for toners without alcohol, colors or artificial fragrance. Rose, sandalwood and cucumber would be good choices for Vata, Pitta and Kapha skin respectively.

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