Seven Ways to Say, "No!"

Written by Gerry McRae

A common remedy for improving your time management is to developrepparttar ability of saying, "NO." Since it is easier to recommend than to do, here are some tips on how to do it.

1. Start with your own attitude. What is your self perception when you say, "NO?" Do you see yourself as a slacker? What aboutrepparttar 103757 perception of others, are you concerned about what others think of you? Are their opinions influenced by your refusal and does it really matter? Be truthful in your answers and your decision. We are forced to say, "NO" when we become overwhelmed by work, stress, or when a loved one delivers an ultimatum. Why not dorepparttar 103758 same when you're managing for more success?

2. Once you have made your decision to say, "NO" more often, your commitment is now a matter of discipline. Self-discipline is not a dirty word when we recall savoringrepparttar 103759 joy resulting from just a little improvement. Just practice allrepparttar 103760 techniques you've used successfully inrepparttar 103761 past. It's only natural for others to point to those who arerepparttar 103762 most vocal which is not same as selectingrepparttar 103763 most competent. Resist and recognize ego stroking for what it is.

3. Replacerepparttar 103764 task refused with something better. You can contribute a lot without being put on a committee or doing every task requested of you. Counter with, "Do you want me to forsake doing (one of your more meaningful contributions)?" Or, defer to other, more competent, persons.

Is Your Company Growing Fast Enough for You?

Written by Chris Anderson

Are you frustrated byrepparttar lack of growth in your firm, orrepparttar 103756 effort required to squeeze any up-tick in performance? Are inadequate policies and procedures a root cause? To find out, take this simple self assessment to see if this may be inhibiting real growth at your company.

Q. Can you take an extended vacation withoutrepparttar 103757 company falling apart?

A. If you answered “no” then you have a job and not a business. A business must have a system of standard operating procedures to ensurerepparttar 103758 work gets done correctly, even in your absence.

Q. Can your company handle a ramp-up in sales and production?

A. Hidden inefficiencies are often revealed when sales and production increase. If low turns on accounts receivable and inventory, long sales or production cycles starve your cash flow, then something is wrong. Your policies and procedures should document cycle times for your critical operating metrics.

Q. Can you effectively add more people to your organization?

A. Hiring people is simple compared to ensuring they know what to do and haverepparttar 103759 resources to accomplish their job. Policies and procedures providerepparttar 103760 framework for a management system to oversee new employees and communicate who does what by when.

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