Seven Steps to eBay Selling SuccessWritten by Heather Wallace
More and more people try their luck at selling on eBay everyday. With all of that growing competition it is important that you do everything possible to make sure that you stand out from crowd. By following a few simple steps you can greatly improve odds of your auction being noticed, that browsers will convert to bidders, and that those bidders will become repeat customers. Begin practicing follow seven tips and watch your eBay auction sales explode.1. Inundate your potential buyers with details. It is much better to provide a lot rather than a little information and this will also be a great opportunity for you to pepper your listing description with keywords. Do be sure, however, that your auction listing is informative and not filled with hype. Those extra exclamation points really aren't going to make sale. Actually, they will only make you look unprofessional. Also, give your readers details as appropriate such as models number, item condition, color, size, etc. 2. The title may not seem like a vital part of equation, but it really is of great importance. It is first thing people see when browsing through auctions, so it has to not only grab their attention, but also entice them to click. Do not enter you title in ALL CAPS. This will only make you look like an amateur. Include as applicable; keywords, model numbers, seating information, brand names, item size, color, etc. 3. A picture is worth a thousand bids. Okay, well maybe not a thousand, but it will certainly help your item sell. Think about it; would you buy something sight unseen? Of course not and neither will majority of buyers on eBay. Be sure to take care when photographing your item. Lesser quality photos are just as bad as no pictures at all. Also, more expensive items; more photos you should provide.
| | Discover the Advantages and Pitfalls of Drop ShippingWritten by Melanie Burns
Drop shipping can be a great way to get started with your online venture. Just be careful to make sure that you know quality of product your supplier offers, what their shipping policies are, and their reliability. Your reputation is on line with your customers, not drop shippers reputation. You must be able to stand behind your product and service not matter what source for them. Make sure to order at least one of each of items you would receive from drop shipper. This gives you several things: 1.It will show you quality of products. This is very important. You don’t want to offer a product and have your customer receive something that is low quality, falling apart, or obviously not worth money. 2.It will show you what packaging is like. How well is product protected during shipping process? Is it likely to break or arrive damaged due to inferior shipping or packaging. 3.You can see first hand who they shipped through and how long it took for item(s) to arrive. There are many advantages to drop shipping, for example when you are first starting out, capital may be an issue. With drop shipping you can get around that by selling product first, collecting money from your customer, buying from drop shipper, and keeping profit. Although you profit may not be as high as it would if you had purchased products in bulk beforehand, it is still a profit that can get you started. Another advantage is you don’t have to have products stored around your house. You don’t have to worry about being stuck with inventory that you cannot sell. If a product doesn’t sell, you can simply drop it from your offering and go on to other more sell-able products. You can find and sell more items since you don’t have limitations of on-hand inventory. If you are considering going into drop shipping to get yourself started, established, or as an ongoing business model, take following potential pitfalls into account: