Seven Smart Marketing Strategies Every Business Should Use

Written by Kate Smalley

Seven Smart Marketing Strategies Every Business Should Use

Each year, U. S. companies spend billions of dollars to market their business. Marketing isrepparttar entire process of getting a product or service intorepparttar 136522 hands of buyers and it includes research, development, planning, copywriting, packaging, pricing, advertising, publicity, sales and delivery.

But if your company is small—like more than half of all businesses in America— you probably don’t have a large marketing budget. But you can stretch your marketing dollars by applying these seven smart marketing strategies:

1.Leveragerepparttar 136523 Power Of Targeting And Branding - Determine who’s most likely to buy your product or service, then tailor your marketing message accordingly. Always sendrepparttar 136524 right message torepparttar 136525 right audience. Also, create a consistent brand or image for your company, product or service. Branding involves everything related to your company from your logo down to your style of customer service. And it can help you make sales quicker and easier, so you’re able to spend less on marketing.

2.Chooserepparttar 136526 Right Tools For The Job - This amounts to doing it rightrepparttar 136527 first time. You can’t afford to waste energy and precious dollars by using marketing pieces forrepparttar 136528 wrong purpose. For example, if you want to reach a specific market segment, direct mail is ideal. But a print ad in a general-interest publication would be a waste of money.

3.Create Versatile Materials - Create marketing materials you can use for more than one purpose. Instead of a large brochure, consider printing a small tri-fold piece that can be mailed inside an envelope, handed out and placed in a display rack. Similarly, a flier can be slipped inside a presentation folder or distributed in mass quantities.

Mailing Lists – Keeping it Simple

Written by Joy Gendusa

The right direct mailing list targets people who want your product or service.

The direct mail mailing list is a key factor in a successful direct mail marketing campaign and a major point to consider in small business marketing strategies where marketing ROI (Return On Investment) is a key concern.

What really makes your direct mail marketing and advertising campaign successful?

The biggest single factor inrepparttar success of your direct mail marketing strategy is who you send your mailings to.

A.You need a list. This can be:

1)a list of existing customers or prospects who have inquired as a result of any of your marketing efforts or

2)a list which you purchase or in some cases obtain for free. B. The mailing list must containrepparttar 136521 names of people who are likely to be interested inrepparttar 136522 benefits of your products or services. Don’t try and sell beer torepparttar 136523 Temperance Society or real estate to people who cannot afford it. You have to target your direct mail marketing efforts. What kinds of lists are available?

C. The three basic kinds of lists that you can use are (you can use all three):

1. Your own list of prospects and customers. This is a list that you collected with your own personal marketing efforts. This is known as a house list. These people are most likely to respond to your offers, because they have responded inrepparttar 136524 past. 2. A response list is a list of people that have actually done something. They have either purchased something fromrepparttar 136525 people who put togetherrepparttar 136526 list or inquired in response to some offer or asked to be onrepparttar 136527 list. They have some level of interest inrepparttar 136528 topic or purpose ofrepparttar 136529 list. These people have not previously responded to you, but they have responded to someone in a related area (if you have purchased a correctly targeted list) so you know they are at least warm.

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