Seven Simple Questions to Build Your Site's Sales

Written by Raynay Valles

Do you knowrepparttar answers torepparttar 108961 following questions?

1. How many visitors come to your website? 2. How many of your visitors buy from you? 3. Who referred your customers to your website? 4. How much does it cost you to get a customer? 5. How effective are your current marketing tactics? 6. What's next? 7. How will you measure results?

If you don't knowrepparttar 108962 answers torepparttar 108963 questions above, you're not alone. Approximately 50 percent of business website owners don't knowrepparttar 108964 answers to these questions. Because they don't knowrepparttar 108965 answers, they throw money away on ineffective marketing.

Ten Ways to Foil Credit Card Fraudsters

Written by Heather Reimer

Inrepparttar last twelve months, credit card fraud against online companies has exploded as more and more thieves figure out how easy it is. To make matters worse, online and phone orders are not automatically insured against fraud - you are 100% liable for all your losses.

So here are some easy ways to protect your e-business from credit card fraudsters:

1. Reject orders sent from free web-based email accounts like Yahoo or Hotmail. says nearly all fraudulent orders come from free accounts.

2. Most real businesses have e-mail addresses that include their website's domain name. Go to their site and see if it looks legit.

3. Ifrepparttar 108960 billing address is different fromrepparttar 108961 shipping address, this should raise a red flag, especially if they are in different states or countries.

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