Setting up a Tape Backup Strategy for your Business

Written by Linus Chang

So you know a little bit about tape backup, but you're wondering how to set up a tape backup strategy for your business. Well, let's take a look at 3 simple steps to setting up a complete backup solution.

Step 1: Purchase your tape backup hardware

Firstly, purchaserepparttar tape backup hardware. If you need to perform file server backup (or Exchange Server backup or SQL Server backup) for small business, then one ofrepparttar 107256 following tape drives should suffice:

* Travan cartridge drive (up to 10 Gb) * DDS tape backup drive (up to 20 Gb) * DDS tape backup drive with hardware data compression (up to 40 Gb)

Then purchaserepparttar 107257 necessary tapes for your backup rotation strategy. A good Grandfather-Father-Child variation will require 10 tapes or 14 tapes.

Step 2: Purchase your tape backup software

When it comes to tape backup software, one option is to use NTBackup -repparttar 107258 standard Windows backup program. The problem with NTBackup is that it is too hard to use. While an expert should be able to schedule backup jobs using NTBackup, what you really want is something a novice can setup in minutes.

What you really want to do is invest in some quality backup software for your business? Well, if you run a small business, you'll want to avoid those expensive brands! They're designed for large corporations. You should really be looking for software for tape backup that does everything you need, but is affordable atrepparttar 107259 same.

Look for a backup program that's designed specially for small business instead. Look for a product that is advertised as being simple to use. Remember, you don't want software that requires an expert to run it. Download a trial version ofrepparttar 107260 backup software and try it out for a month or so. If everything works smoothly and you're happy withrepparttar 107261 product, go ahead and make a purchase!

Step 3: Continually perform your backups

So you've attachedrepparttar 107262 tape drive to your server and installedrepparttar 107263 software. You've configuredrepparttar 107264 software to run your tape rotation scheme and everything's raring to go. So how do you go about performing backups?

Snapshot image cleaning

Written by Maricon Williams

Time is precious and we don’t want it to slip away that easy without taking advantage of its significance. To circumvent waste of time, Snapshot can be a great help to us.

Snapshot is a valuable technique to save our precious time when working with images in Photoshop – be it an original copy image, something from a digital camera or from a scanned slide or negative. This is usually used to clean up images such as images for publication use.

The technique is so easy, it only involves a four-step method and is easy to recall. You can make use of this in many situations like adjusting levels, color, saturation, sharpness and other corrections without wasting time with layer masks, lasso tools, layers, rubber stamping or magic wand. To ensure that your eyes are fixed to your subject, you can use this method.

Soft-eyes are scanning problems inherent ofrepparttar natural film curvature while scanning. To avoid soft-eyes problems, use snapshots technique which allows fixation in few seconds. To do this, first open your file. Then go to filter > sharpen > unsharp mask. After that, a dialog box will appear with unsharp mask defaults. Setrepparttar 107255 default amount to 75 percent, radius to 1 pixel and threshold levels to zero or one. Finally, click OK. You may notice thatrepparttar 107256 entire image hasrepparttar 107257 unsharp mask applied to it beforehand. As a result, it sharpensrepparttar 107258 overall image. The texture is no longer as soft as it first appeared. This isrepparttar 107259 time whenrepparttar 107260 snapshots will save your artwork.

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