Setting Up Your Filing System

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

Your filing system is very important. To be able to locate items quickly is of paramount importance. The following system will work for any kind of business. However, please note that many ofrepparttar files discussed are specific to lease purchasing.

You should have a general drawer, which contains banking information, supply information, general forms, business license, answering machine message, expense envelope. Anything of a general nature.

Your Real Estate files should have a general section for correspondence(sent and received), faxes sent, e-mails sent, consultation correspondence, forms letters, signs(for rent), general advertising, prospects, consultation prospects.

You should have a file drawer that contains all your contracts and forms.

You should have a file drawer for marketing materials. Flyers, brochures, letterhead, cards, newsletter.

You should have a file drawer for clients. A file for each client. For Lease Purchase a separate file for sellers, this should also contain tenant/buyers and be separated into open and closed. Open contains property you are currently working on. Closed are those properties you have found tenant/buyers for and have completedrepparttar 104677 deal.

If you take credit cards, a file drawer for monthly transactions.

You should also have a file drawer for any products you sell.

The files that should be handy and placed in your graduated tray are: (Note: Some files are specific to Lease Purchase only)

1. Calls to Make

2. Database Entries - You can note on letter or fax or e-mail which database to enter it into or I prefer, to avoid any mistakes to make separate files. a) Seller Prospects (from newspaper calling and FSBO site list) b) Seller Prospects Web (e-mails done to sellers that have responded for more info.) c) Consultations Sellers - I note on e-mail received or a phone call, if it is from web e-mail or other lists D) Tenant/Buyer database 3. Calling Lists - A file that contains all your calling lists. 4. Pending applicants/credit checks - applications I am waiting for credit check info to be returned on

The Enemy: Words and How We Use Them

Written by Sue and Chuck DeFiore

As a home based or small business owner you want to exude confidence and authority. You are an expert in your field. How are you conveying your message to your customer? Just like your body language,repparttar words you use and how you use them can take on a whole new meaning.

Some ofrepparttar 104676 words we all have a tendency to use say something completely different to our customers. Let’s say you are placing a call to a customer. When I call I say, “Hi, Joe, I’m calling to tell you aboutrepparttar 104677 latest property we have available”. I am very clear, succinct, I have a smile in my voice, and once I finish my reason for calling, I shut up and let my customer or prospect talk.

One of our clients, who we were consulting with on sales, couldn’t figure out why he was having a hard time during his sales calls. What we found out was when he would call rather than being firm and confident, with a smile in his voice; he sounded very tentative, “Hi, I am just calling to see if”. No this verbiage does not work. He did not identify himself, his company, and this client sounded very nervous onrepparttar 104678 telephone.

So be very careful you don’t use words or phrases that sound as if you are apologizing to your customer rightrepparttar 104679 off bat. In fact, don’t use them at all. Take them out of your vocabulary. Be clear and concise. Speak in an even tone. Nervous people have a tendency to speak way too loudly; or so softly you can’t understand them, or some people speak very quickly. Also, be aware this is not something you are going to fix overnight. These phrases are a habit for many of us. So practice, practice and practice some more. Do role plays and tape yourself. Then listen to yourself, or have family members listen to you and critique you.

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