Seniors and Family Caregivers Now Have an Advocate

Written by Jill Conner

“Jill, this is Brenda, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but Olivia, your mom’s aide, didn’t show up this morning and we’ve not found a replacement for her yet.”

I was livid, it was now 1:00 inrepparttar afternoon and I was just being informed that my mother, unable to get out of bed without assistance, was alone.

This was notrepparttar 145645 first time this home care company had failed to fulfill their promises or to follow my directions and what made it worse, it wasn’trepparttar 145646 first agency that I had hired.

I live in Glendale Arizona, and mother lived in Cleveland Ohio. Mother was adamant that she continue living inrepparttar 145647 home she and dad shared,repparttar 145648 same home my siblings and I were raised. Asrepparttar 145649 eldest daughter andrepparttar 145650 only one without a husband and children,repparttar 145651 responsibility of coordinating care fell on my shoulders.

The amount of stress I endured duringrepparttar 145652 last five years of mother’s life is indescribable. I continued to hirerepparttar 145653 ‘wrong’ home care service, I continued to enlistrepparttar 145654 services of handyman and lawn care services that fell quite short of their promises and I even subjected mother to an unscrupulous so-called financial planner.

I did allrepparttar 145655 right things. I checked references, held lengthy interviews, wrote out my instructions torepparttar 145656 letter so that there was no confusion, I checkedrepparttar 145657 Better Business Bureau and even went so far as to request letters of recommendations of clients from these elder care providers.

Mom passed away while I was home for Christmas in 2000. She died at home, something she truly wanted when her time had come. Now, five years later, I have metrepparttar 145658 most wonderful woman and my first question to her was, “Where were you when I needed you?”

I hope that I won’t needrepparttar 145659 services offered by Senior Approved Services any time soon, but if you arerepparttar 145660 designated family caregiver or perhapsrepparttar 145661 senior in need, you must know about this ingenious concept of a service.

Senior Approved Services was founded by Barbara Mascio who wanted a method to actively advocate forrepparttar 145662 right of all seniors to receive excellent care and to most importantly remain safe inrepparttar 145663 receiving of that care. Seniors and family caregivers access this invaluable service at no charge.

Barbara helps families avoid less than desirable services, and she does this by directing seniors towards businesses that have a proven track record of quality care. Proven, byrepparttar 145664 very first consumer-driven survey process developed forrepparttar 145665 elder care industry. As she puts it, “The seniors currently using a service arerepparttar 145666 ones that endorse a business, who better to attest to quality care thanrepparttar 145667 senior clients?”

Document Sharing: Who Hand is in the Cookie Jar?

Written by Joe Miller

Document Sharing

Three years of editorial experience in college taught me many things about document sharing. My editing experience was far from limited due either to my interest in a variety of subjects or to my indecisiveness during those college years-I’m not sure which. Not only did I edit for three different undergraduate journals, but also I hadrepparttar gall to becomerepparttar 145569 editor-in-chief ofrepparttar 145570 pre-law and honors journals and to start an undergraduate health journal. No matter how differentrepparttar 145571 subjects may have been,repparttar 145572 same technical and document sharing challenges inevitably surfaced at similar stages inrepparttar 145573 editorial process.

Since college, I have noticed thatrepparttar 145574 editorial process and document sharing have filled large roles in my professional pursuits as well. I have therefore concluded two things: document sharing will always be a part of education, business, and virtually any other organization; andrepparttar 145575 lessons I have learned during and since my college editorial experience may be helpful to other professionals.

Document Sharing Cookie Jar

Picture in your mind a cookie jar. Do you remember how many hands reach into a cookie jar? With each hand that entersrepparttar 145576 cookie jar,repparttar 145577 contents change. When one hand removes cookies, there are fewer cookies. When another hand refillsrepparttar 145578 cookie jar, there are more cookies. When yet another hand digs around inrepparttar 145579 cookie jar to findrepparttar 145580 perfect cookie, there are generally a lot of broken and crumbled cookies left behind.

Document sharing is all too similar torepparttar 145581 cookie jar. A group or committee may work on a budget, a report, a survey, a research paper, a proposal, and maybe even a memo. The document isrepparttar 145582 cookie jar, and its elements arerepparttar 145583 cookies.

In any committee, staff, or board, there are alwaysrepparttar 145584 “removers,”repparttar 145585 “replacers,” andrepparttar 145586 “diggers,” andrepparttar 145587 contents ofrepparttar 145588 final document often look very different fromrepparttar 145589 document with which you began.

When I was a child my mother used to play a game with me that included a song that would ask “Who stolerepparttar 145590 cookie fromrepparttar 145591 cookie jar?” Because ofrepparttar 145592 many changes that take place in document sharing andrepparttar 145593 all too familiar ad hoc process with which document sharing takes place, this question frequently runs through my mind as I try to track downrepparttar 145594 changes that have been made.

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