Selling - Blending E-Commerce and Store Front Sales

Written by John Warzecha

There seems to berepparttar misguided suggestion that e-commerce, buying or selling onrepparttar 109073 Internet, will very soon surpass regular means of retail such as department stores. Nothing could be further fromrepparttar 109074 truth. The e-commerce industry should check outrepparttar 109075 number of people that wander through shopping malls on weekends. Is a company like J.C. Penny, Zellers or Wal-Mart closing their doors and meekly walking off intorepparttar 109076 sunset? No- they are expanding, rebuilding, renovating and opening new outlets in an attempt to maintain and expand their customer base. Internet marketers must dorepparttar 109077 same thing. Even thoughrepparttar 109078 electronic medium is gaining increasing importance, and there are some very impressive numbers being put up, there is still a major concern about such things as transferring credit information and dealing with an impersonal operator attached to some keyboard acrossrepparttar 109079 world. Not every business can have a retail outlet, because some businesses are only amenable to on-line sales, but those that do have a retail outlet, should not only be involved in directly marketing their products through their web sites, butrepparttar 109080 sites should be constructed so that buyers who want to seerepparttar 109081 product will go their outlets first. Many people want to seerepparttar 109082 products in front of them. They want to see them, compare them to other products, perhaps see how look beside other items, especially if they are outfitting an office. They may even want to do a little haggling which is difficult to do on-line. For example, if you have an Internet site where you sell computers and also a retail outlet, you must be prepared to deal, not only withrepparttar 109083 customer who is willing to buy on-line, but alsorepparttar 109084 customer who wants to go and kickrepparttar 109085 tires-so to speak. Provided thatrepparttar 109086 techno-babble has been kept to a minimum, an individual, after checkingrepparttar 109087 web-site, will come to you with his initial request. Now that number that has been recorded as a hit on your web site is someone standing in front of you. He wouldn't be there unlessrepparttar 109088 web-site had done an initial selling job. He is there to buy. This is whererepparttar 109089 true selling begins. As I discussed in previous articles- this isrepparttar 109090 opportunity to learn something aboutrepparttar 109091 customer. Some ofrepparttar 109092 best sales individuals I know have a tremendous capacity to ask questions and then shut up and listen. They know who they are talking to; know what they what, and they have learned this by listening after asking some questions. You now have that same opportunity While you are finding out what he wants, you must also discover his hot buttons. You must assess his needs, but more importantly, listen to what he wants. It has been the


Written by John Ginsberg

Many online retailers are focused onrepparttar first time customer. And understandibly so, considering that in an attempt to capture their fair share of an ever-growing online consumer market, many have put aside a large marketing budget. However, inrepparttar 109072 process, they have forgotten that in many cases, sales are not made onrepparttar 109073 first attempt. The ability of e-tailers to offer impulse buys has been translated intorepparttar 109074 assumption that all customers are impulse buyers. And they decoraterepparttar 109075 front page of their web site with 1-click offers and promises of same-day delivery. But in their haste to reachrepparttar 109076 masses, they have ignoredrepparttar 109077 large number of careful shoppers taking torepparttar 109078 net this year - many forrepparttar 109079 first time. These individuals are careful about puttingrepparttar 109080 credit cards where their mouth is. They evaluate every negative factor of online shopping before deciding to takerepparttar 109081 plunge. Willrepparttar 109082 gifts arrive on time? What if I need to return an item? Will still be around after Christmas, or are they a fly by night web site? These issues often plaguerepparttar 109083 consumer until they experiencerepparttar 109084 inevitable, "Oh hell, why not!" syndrome that all net shoppers have experienced at some point in time. And even then, they limit their testing torepparttar 109085 gift for their 3rd cousin twice removed on their mother's side. But even experienced net shoppers are hesitant, though perhaps for different reasons. The web is a price-shopper's haven with shopping bots constantly scouringrepparttar 109086 net for specials and bargains. The convenience of comparison shopping is merely a mouse click away. It is therefore not surprising that consumers are hesitant to put their money onrepparttar 109087 table, because there might always be a better deal somewhere acrossrepparttar 109088 globe. Add that torepparttar 109089 fact that a web surfer's loyalty to an online store is relative torepparttar 109090 cost of their Internet connection -repparttar 109091 more it costs,repparttar 109092 less time they spend with each store. And web shoppers are unlikely to be as forgiving inrepparttar 109093 online world as they would be inrepparttar 109094 real world. Slow download times and uncooperative web sites all help to convince them thatrepparttar 109095 trip torepparttar 109096 local mall, despiterepparttar 109097 inconvenience, might be less frustrating. So how is an online retailer to compete in an offline-dominated world? It's actually not as difficult as it seems.

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