Self-Opinions---Can Limit Our Lives

Written by Vincent R. Moloney MD

Dr. Phil says each of us has a personal "truth" -what we believe of ourselves when no one else is looking-- and from this comes results in our lives that are in keeping with that truth.

Let's call it our "opinions" of ourselves. They take many forms, we have an opinion of ourselves in every aspect of our lives; how we look, how well we speak, think, walk, work, dress, make love, treat others, etc., etc. These opinions, not being obvious, require some honest inward thinking (introspection) to ascertain their nature.

One ofrepparttar best clues we can use to recognizerepparttar 148880 nature of these opinions is to first look atrepparttar 148881 results. Do we dress in a sloppy way because we believe we don't deserve to look neat? Do we avoid applying for that better job because we believe we don't measure up? Do we refrain from asking that attractive person for a date because we believe we are not attractive enough? Do we not speak out because we believe our thoughts are not interesting to others?

Beliefs, though natural and not dictated by our conscious minds, can be changed. Opinions are formed by observed evidence so all we need to do is provide some evidence torepparttar 148882 contrary and our natural common sense takes over and makesrepparttar 148883 change forrepparttar 148884 better.

We probably can't make a sweeping change over night butwhy not a little at a time? Choose some aspect of your

Anchoring with NLP

Written by Adam Eason

TThere was some sunshine this weekend while I was writing this! At least here onrepparttar sunny south coast of England there was. I went out walking alongrepparttar 148850 sea front with my partner Sara on Saturday morning and it was wonderful;repparttar 148851 feeling of sunshine on my face,repparttar 148852 smell ofrepparttar 148853 air,repparttar 148854 sites of other people out and about and happy,repparttar 148855 local land train was shuttling people and their excited children back and forth from Bournemouth pier to Boscombe Pier and my senses were filled – a major event for human neurophysiology (mine anyway!)

The funny thing is, later on that evening when my friends were joking about my pink coloured forehead, I told them that I was really looking forward to summer and as I spoke, I feltrepparttar 148856 sun on me, imaginedrepparttar 148857 fun I was going to have onrepparttar 148858 beach, rememberedrepparttar 148859 smell,repparttar 148860 amazing feeling of joy that I get from being there, just by anticipating it all.

A natural phenomenon we can replicate with NLP techniques. NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming, which is just a methodology for helping make changes. We shorten it to NLP for easy understanding.

Without realising it,repparttar 148861 time I had spent onrepparttar 148862 sea front earlier that day had acted as an anchor forrepparttar 148863 wonderful experience which immediately followed it. The next time I saw & heardrepparttar 148864 experience, albeit in my mind, my neurology went “I know what happens now” and started to producerepparttar 148865 intense physical responses that it ‘knew’ were coming next.

Inrepparttar 148866 field of NLP, an anchor is any representation inrepparttar 148867 human nervous system that triggers any other representation. For instance,repparttar 148868 word ‘sex’ will immediately trigger images, sounds etc associated with that word. The word ‘chocolate’ will trigger different associations. I am not too sure which of those will createrepparttar 148869 most intense feelings though! These words are anchors. Anchors do not have to be words, they can be a wide range of things.

With NLP, we identify that anchors can operate in any representational system (ie. sight, sound, feeling, smell, taste.) Let me give you some examples;

Tonal: By that, I mean for example,repparttar 148870 special way a certain person has of saying your name, like when a friend or family member says it. My mother shouting my name fromrepparttar 148871 depths of my home when I was a child often signalledrepparttar 148872 fact that she had discovered something that I had done that meant trouble for me! “Adam!” often made me feel what I was in store for.

Tactile: The effect of a certain type of handshake for example, orrepparttar 148873 sensation of a reassuring hug compared to a loving cuddle. Rekindles all kinds of wonderful feelings. Visual: The way people respond to certain items of clothing. I recently had lunch with a group of my friends fromrepparttar 148874 town where I grew up and several of them commented onrepparttar 148875 jacket I was wearing. Now, whenever they see it, it reminds them of those comments and makes them smile. Olfactory: Like when you smell a certain kind of food being cooked can suddenly have you remembering a time when you were inrepparttar 148876 school cafeteria. Gustatory: The taste of your favourite food orrepparttar 148877 way certain foods can make you remember how you felt when you had it before. Maybe like when you were given soup and a big helping of love and sympathy when you were young and off school because you were poorly. I know every time I eat Heinz Tomato soup it reminds me of just that.

Once again, inrepparttar 148878 field of NLP, an anchor is any representation inrepparttar 148879 human nervous system that triggers any other representation. It is conceptually similar to Pavlovian conditioning (ie. bells and salivating dogs; some of Pavlovs findings feature inrepparttar 148880 field of NLP.

Whilerepparttar 148881 anchor I created forrepparttar 148882 sea front was unintentional, it is possible for you to use this NLP tecnique to anchor yourself intentionally. Have a go at this and learn this NLP technique for yourself……

Fistly, think of an occasion when you had a highly pleasurable, positive or enjoyable experience. See what you saw then (looking out through your own eyes), hear what you heard and feel what you felt. As you feelrepparttar 148883 sensations increase in intensity, squeezerepparttar 148884 thumb & forefinger of your left hand gently together for a few moments, then release them. Now ‘break your state’ (Eg. by remembering what you had for lunch yesterday.) Squeeze your thumb & forefinger together again, gently pulsing them. The state will return.

To makerepparttar 148885 most of anchoring with NLP, it is important to really engage inrepparttar 148886 experience and make it wonderfully vivid in your mind and to then also put effort into recalling it when you first activate your NLP anchor for a few times. Imagine how powerful this can be when you want to feel wonderful if you are home, feeling gloomy. Instead of reaching forrepparttar 148887 chocolate, you can start to activate your “feel good” anchor.

Every time you want to get motivated to exercise, just activate your enthusiasm anchor. It is a really simple technique of NLP.

This is a simple but powerful NLP technique that can enable you to have access torepparttar 148888 states and resources you want, when you want them. The use of thumb & forefinger is an example of a tactile anchor, but you can use any representation to anchor something for yourself or someone else.

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