Self-Judgment is sabotaging your professional efforts learn how to

Written by Connie Butler

The Single Most Important Reason You Are Not as Effective as You Can Be!

Self-Judgment is sabotaging your professional efforts learn how to STOP it!

I work with clients daily to clarify their efforts toward success and to see what is hobbling them in that process. After over twenty years of this I see over and over again how some form of self-judgment and self-criticism isrepparttar major culprit. I see how it establishes self-doubt, stops possible solutions from developing, and diminishesrepparttar 128946 vision and energy of what could be. It keeps many people withinrepparttar 128947 realm of what they have already learned and not taking new strides forward. What steps would you take in your business, what results would you expect, what would you dare if judgment wasn’t present? It may be a more important question than you even realize! For many people this dynamic is silent and is likerepparttar 128948 air that they breathe. For others it is loud and clear but accepted as justrepparttar 128949 way they are. Sorepparttar 128950 question is – Who is in Charge Anyway? Is it some idea based on your cumulative experience, some old voice that has haunted you for years or is itrepparttar 128951 full force of your vision and your creative ability?

All self-judgment is a reflection of learning fromrepparttar 128952 past. It isrepparttar 128953 fabric of things you were taught by your parents, teachers, religion, media images and constantly offers you advice, evaluations, information about how short you are falling. Self-judgment creates ideas and images of who we think we need to be in order to be acceptable. Its action is very cruel because it attacksrepparttar 128954 core of who you are. Many people when life has been inexplicably difficult for some time call themselves a failure; if they make a mistake they call themselves stupid – they repeat what they were taught somewhere alongrepparttar 128955 line. Often when I am working with a client they will cling to some self-judgment saying, “But it’s true –I did fail at that”. The issue is how that is used to diminish yourself. It is very different to recognize you made an error than it is to attack yourself saying you are a failure. Inrepparttar 128956 first instance you may be able to look objectively at what has happened and find a solution. I nrepparttar 128957 second instance you end up feeling small, worthless and helpless.

Operating within an inner or outer atmosphere of judgment deprives us of a large percentage of our creativity and connection to our deepest acceptance and therefore access torepparttar 128958 deeper qualities of functioning. Self-judgment keeps old limiting beliefs about our selves in place and often prevents us from creating what is that we truly want and from achieving broader levels of success. Often judgments are felt as: criticisms, condemnations, guidelines, motivators, accusations, advice, rejections, suggestions, comparison & questions. They have energetic effects including: loss of energy, anger, tension, depression, anxiety, heat, weakness, restlessness, deadness & numbness. The feelings generated in us are to dislike and to reject ourselves.

Because they seem generated from inside us and are largely unconscious we don’t recognize them as attacks and do not know how to defend against them. Attacking ourselves is a major source of self-betrayal and sabotage. Attacking others is an important cause of separation and alienation.

The first step in learning how to dis-engage from self-judgment is to begin developing awareness of it. As I said sometimes it is likerepparttar 128959 air you breathe, so much a part of you that you can’t identify it. When this is true I often ask clients to notice it’s results: when you feel small, helpless, when you are walking into a meeting and anxiety is high, when you suddenly erupt when someone misunderstands you, when you feel collapsed inrepparttar 128960 face of someone or something. During these circumstances I ask clients to notice if they are judging themselves and then begin to noticerepparttar 128961 voice or energy of judgment: “I’ll never get this right – I’m useless” etc., etc. Self-judgment diminishes you and these are some of its hallmarks. When you become more aware of it you then have an opportunity to begin finding ways to stop it.

Misery Can Eat You Alive

Written by Laurie Hayes

This is a true story about a woman I worked with for several years.

I'm sure we all know at least one person who cannot find a good thing to say about anything or anyone. Your typical "miserable" person who could have $10 million handed to her and would complain that it wasn't $10 million and $1.

This was such a person.

The sky would be blue,repparttar temperature warm andrepparttar 128943 flowers in full bloom. She would point out one small cloud that loomed inrepparttar 128944 horizon, that it was two degrees warmer in another town and thatrepparttar 128945 petals onrepparttar 128946 tulips were wilting prematurely.

She had nothing good to say about anyone we worked with, and I thought we had a great group of people.

I eventually started to avoid her because try as I would to get her to find something good inrepparttar 128947 world, she would strike down my every effort.

When we would learn of anything new inrepparttar 128948 workplace, she would immediately react with anger and start venting her opinion to anyone within earshot.

I decided to distance myself from her because I could not raise her energy and she was bringing mine down.

Science has proven thatrepparttar 128949 way we think, feel and react has an impact on our health and physical well-being.

When someone is constantly sick or suffering from one ailment or another, this may often be a reflection of what is going on in his or her thoughts.

Of course, there are always exceptions; however, I have observed that many of those who live in a constant state of negativity, and who react to many situations based on their judgments, suffer more maladies and chronic illnesses than those who don't.

I often contemplated this theory when thinking of my co-worker and I wondered if some day she would suffer a fatal heart attack or terrible illness because she was so filled with anger and negativity.

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