Self-Esteem is NOT Just for Kids - It's a Cornerstone of YOUR Success!

Written by Rick Beneteau

I'm positive you've donerepparttar same thing as me. Wondered about what exactly it is that separates those who we deem to be "successful" (and look up to), from those who are not.

Talent, ambition, vision, sacrifice, stick-to-itiveness and resilience are all major qualities I'm sure you'd agree, but I've simply lost count of TOO many absolutely brilliant, creative and serious entrepreneurs who are still wallowing inrepparttar 121631 mediocrity they sought for so long to rise above. In most cases, it's heartbreaking.

It really got me thinking about what could possibly berepparttar 121632 ONE defining trait or quality of those we admire in our quest to be successful. Here's one conclusion I came to.

I've never met an individual who I considered to be truly successful onrepparttar 121633 personal and business level who wasn't filled with good feelings about themselves! The kind of people who can look inrepparttar 121634 mirror and say "I like you a lot"! More than that, they can exclaim "I love you"!

Sound corny? If you think so, consider this question before you click on to something else:

In business, how could you possibly feel good about what you are doing if you didn't feel good aboutrepparttar 121635 person doing it?

Yes, I'm talking aboutrepparttar 121636 psycho-cliche of self-esteem. The kind we hear about every day on talk shows, read about in countless self-help and parenting books, and, gratefully see becoming a long-overdue part ofrepparttar 121637 education system in our schools. Feeling not only good, but great about oneself is arguablyrepparttar 121638 most important success-building characteristic a person can possess!

Think about this. Most of us were NOT raised whenrepparttar 121639 concept of self-esteem was a part of our "fibre", as it is now. Some of us may have been fortunate to have come from families that fortifiedrepparttar 121640 fact that "I am good", "I am special" and "I like and love ME!" However, most of us were nutured without learning, and having instilled deep within us,repparttar 121641 belief that "I deserve allrepparttar 121642 good things inrepparttar 121643 world I desire". That built-in sense of confidence allows us to grow (and keep growing) in order to be able to have ALLrepparttar 121644 blessings that life is just waiting to bestow upon us. In other words, SUCCESS!

I thoroughly enjoyed studying world religions in my last year of high school, when it became very clear to me that every "faith" hasrepparttar 121645 concept of self-esteem as a cornerstone of it's beliefs. The Bible has as one of it's injunctions: "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself".

But doesn't this begrepparttar 121646 question, "How could you Love Your Neighbor, or anything else for that matter, if You CAN'T Love Yourself?" An unfortunate reality that translates into business ie: "If you are not able to love and respect yourself, then how can you expect others to even just respect (and trust) you?" And isn't respect and trust a cornerstone of successful businesses and entrepreneurs?

I've gone so far as to staterepparttar 121647 following inrepparttar 121648 new (print) book I am writing: "Selfishness is puttingrepparttar 121649 needs of others ahead of your needs. Since when can you give your best to others when you own needs go unattended?"


Written by Rick Beneteau

Call me crazy but if I were to open a trendy restaurant I think that I would use this article's top title as my moniker. It would certainly create some chatter aboutrepparttar newest spot in town. The SAM 'n ELLA'S sign would be hung months in advance of its doors being opened just to startrepparttar 121630 buzz. I might completerepparttar 121631 theme and really "go for it" with an emergency room décor with wait staff in nurses uniforms serving up soup-in-a-bedpan.

Beware, any would-be restaurant franchisers out there, this article is published and I hadrepparttar 121632 idea first!:-) And so it should be with your marketing materials. Laughter and smiling, like music, are amongrepparttar 121633 few universal languages where we all sharerepparttar 121634 same dialect. Humor equals warmth and friendliness. Which equates torepparttar 121635 kind of person your prospects will want to do business with.

I'm not suggesting that every piece of promo should produce gut-wrenching hysterical laughter but subtle injections of personable humor can score big points with would-be customers. Let me cite a few examples. Jim Wilson of VirtualPromote effectively injects his personality intorepparttar 121636 lead page of his website ( ). This is a long tutorial that eloquently expousesrepparttar 121637 'there-are-no-experts' tactics of website promotion. Could get boring pretty quickly, but not with Jim. There is a short prologue, then an introduction and just where a reader's attention may begin to wonder, Jim puts forth these two paragraphs:

"The final reality to materialize was: I was hooked. This Internet publishing stuff is addicting. Something new to learn every hour. Sleep became a thing ofrepparttar 121638 past. My phone is always tied up and my family gave up on my attending things like movies and meals.

If all this sounds familiar: you are an addict. Especially if you are reading this at 2:00 A.M. But there is hope. You can getrepparttar 121639 traffic. You can debugrepparttar 121640 cgi and HTML. Java can be learned. Forms really do work, eventually. You can add more phone lines. Sorry, can't help withrepparttar 121641 family problems. Let me know if you figure that one out."

And Jim proceeds to make you feel right at home with him throughout his impressive website with flashes of his friendly and witty personality. This was my introduction to Jim and I liked him before I even began communicating with him. Important stuff inrepparttar 121642 oft cold binary world ofrepparttar 121643 Web!

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