Self-Development Through Asking "Why?"

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

The Enlightened Warrior's 'Keys to Success' Throughrepparttar Power of Our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds

Inrepparttar 128733 philosophical teachings ofrepparttar 128734 Ninja Warrior's Mikkyo esoteric mind-science that formsrepparttar 128735 foundation forrepparttar 128736 Warrior Concepts Life Mastery Program taught to my students and clients, there are three areas of focus that allowrepparttar 128737 Ninja Warrior, or anyone who understands these principles, to act with enlightened clarity and always achieve his or her goals. Each of these so-called '3-Keys of Success' can be focused on in and of itself, butrepparttar 128738 real 'magic' results whenrepparttar 128739 three are brought together and aligned withrepparttar 128740 Ninja's vision.

The 3 Keys are collectively known in Japanese asrepparttar 128741 Sanmitsu or '3 Secrets.' Not at all 'secret' inrepparttar 128742 conventional sense as being kept away from others or hidden,repparttar 128743 sanmitsu are seen as 'secret' because they have to be 'discovered' byrepparttar 128744 student to have any benefit. The three arerepparttar 128745 "thoughts," "speech," and "actions" ofrepparttar 128746 Ninja practitioner. They are seen as bothrepparttar 128747 necessary elements to bring about success, andrepparttar 128748 means by which we can change and affect our world. In this article, I'd like to focus onrepparttar 128749 3rd Key, the 'secret' ofrepparttar 128750 power of our actions. And, like a well-maintained vehicle that gets us where we want to go, our actions arerepparttar 128751 direct manifestation of our thoughts and intention inrepparttar 128752 outside world around us.

As seen onrepparttar 128753 Kongo-kai mandala of Universal Enlightenment, our actions are associated withrepparttar 128754 'wind' realm of All-Accomplishing Wisdom andrepparttar 128755 concept of skillful means. Our actions haverepparttar 128756 potential to change our world and our experience of it. Students studying withinrepparttar 128757 upper training modules before advancing intorepparttar 128758 Black Belt Mastery Stages are constantly reminded ofrepparttar 128759 truth ofrepparttar 128760 power of their actions during their class opening and closing as they reciterepparttar 128761 Ninja Master's Admonition of Sh'kin Haramits' Daikomyo! The lesson of this phrase is that 'every moment - every action - holdsrepparttar 128762 potential of being just that thing that will producerepparttar 128763 happiness, understanding and power that we have been seeking.' It means that "no-thing doesn't matter" - everything deserves our attention.

Of course, merely running around 'doing stuff' is not at all what we're talking about here. Most of us can remember a time when we did a lot but accomplished very little. For most of us, we need only think back overrepparttar 128764 past few days. The key or 'secret' here is not inrepparttar 128765 activity itself but inrepparttar 128766 focus or direction that requires a particular action. The truth is that unfocused, undirected action is nothing but idle 'wheel-spinning.' It accomplishes nothing towardrepparttar 128767 accomplishment of goals and more towards creating even more ofrepparttar 128768 feelings of exhaustion, exasperation and distraction that regularly plague our days.

The Power of Belief - The Martial Artist's Student Creed

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

Contained withinrepparttar philosophical teachings ofrepparttar 128731 Ninja Warrior's mind-science and personal-development practice known in Japanese as Mikkyo, is a series of three affirmations, or statements of devout trust. They are designed to assist a student in successfully embodyingrepparttar 128732 lessons, strategies and tactics being taught. Each statement represents an emotional power held withinrepparttar 128733 student's heart that, when spoken, expresses to him or herself andrepparttar 128734 world around them,repparttar 128735 potential of greatness that lies within.

These three affirmations are introduced to beginning students of my academy asrepparttar 128736 3-part Student Creed. Other martial schools may have a different wording or number, butrepparttar 128737 purpose isrepparttar 128738 same. Each part expresses a belief, trust, or inherent faith held by that student about an equally important part of their progress throughrepparttar 128739 Mastery Program and their successful completion ofrepparttar 128740 goal they have set out to achieve. The Studert Creed also helps those students with low confidence, self-esteem, and doubts about their ability to be successful, to hear these words over and over again. In time, this repetitive exposure, like that which produced this student's current depressed state, will take root and allowrepparttar 128741 student to change from within to become a walking, talking example ofrepparttar 128742 Creed itself.

More than just a set of positive affirmations to be memorized and recited though, when reciting as part of a class or graduation exam,repparttar 128743 student should speak each part ofrepparttar 128744 creed in a way that is charged withrepparttar 128745 emotional intent ofrepparttar 128746 heart.

Take a minute and reciterepparttar 128747 3-Part Student Creed aloud:

1. I believe in myself. I am confident. I can accomplish my goals.

2. I believe in what I study. I am disciplined. I am ready to learn and advance.

3. I believe in my teachers. I show respect to all those who help me progress.

Again, we must remember that these phrases are just words. In and of themselves they hold no innate power. We use them, and ones just like them each and every day of our lives.

The real power -repparttar 128748 real magic - lies inrepparttar 128749 emotions behind them. The student who recites these phrases with conviction and an authentic desire to become whatrepparttar 128750 phrases suggest can't help but to be successful in their task.

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