Selecting the Right Gifts for Dad Has Never Been Easier

Written by William Mathis

Has your hunt for father's day gifts ever collapsed into feelings of resignation that dad will just have to make do with one ofrepparttar tried and true items from previous years? Does findingrepparttar 111110 right gift for dad seem to take too much time and effort?

Selecting justrepparttar 111111 right gift is an important way to say you care, and it’s not so difficult as it might appear.

Some people give up before they really get started considering what to buy, because historically their efforts have been frustrating. So dad gets a shirt, a tie, socks, or maybe a book, because they'rerepparttar 111112 obvious choices and he hasn't complained about those gifts inrepparttar 111113 past.

But it'srepparttar 111114 rare dad that will even hint thatrepparttar 111115 gift is not needed or desired. Most will make something of a fuss overrepparttar 111116 gift and express copious amounts of gratitude. But did he really want another shirt? Maybe. And maybe he even likedrepparttar 111117 style and color. Or maybe he is resigned to gettingrepparttar 111118 same range of items for father's day, year after year. Low expectations can temper disappointment.

So who will breakrepparttar 111119 cycle of dull, predictable repetition? Looks like it will have to be you! And if you're ready to do so, please realize that you're not taking on a giant challenge. In reality, gift buying for dad has never been easier. Online shopping is safe and secure, fast, and there are enough options to suit any need, interest or taste.

And in those three words -- need, interest, taste -- liesrepparttar 111120 key to your choice, along withrepparttar 111121 always-relevant term, budget. Get those four concepts aligned and you can't go wrong. Three out of four wouldn't be awful either, so long as taste is included inrepparttar 111122 mix.


So let's be clear: if a shirt isrepparttar 111123 right gift for dad, then a shirt it should be. But before making any decision, consider these points. First, unless dad relies on you to stock his wardrobe, then clothing should be only one of many options inrepparttar 111124 equation. Second, if you bought clothing more often than not inrepparttar 111125 previous few years it could be time for a change.

So spend a few minutes reflecting on your purchase history. Have you fallen into a rut? Have you been too predictable?

Then consider his range of needs. If you don't haverepparttar 111126 knowledge to do that, get some help from other family members or friends. If he has no needs, then you will have to go with these other three concepts.


What does dad do with his time, and what does he say he would like to do? Has he talked about learning to fly fish or roller blade? Or does he stick to tried and true activities? All dads have at least one special interest, even if it's just watching every sports event that appears on TV. And if that'srepparttar 111127 case, selecting from an array of items from his favorite team is a sure way to please him.

My Kids are Driving Me Crazy!

Written by Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC

When you conduct parent workshops, you start to seerepparttar same issues coming up over and over for parents. The names and faces are different, butrepparttar 111109 issues arerepparttar 111110 same. Andrepparttar 111111 truth is that parents are often responsible for many of these problems.

Here are three issues that keep coming up for parents, and an explanation of how parents can often solve their own problems.

Problem #1: My kids don’t listen to me

To expect that kids will listen to you perfectly allrepparttar 111112 time is an irrational thought. Kids are in a very different place than adults are in terms of their ability to listen and attend to things. Kids will often need you to repeat things a number of times in a patient, pleasant tone. And yes, your job is to be very patient with them.

It is oftenrepparttar 111113 “parental” tone of parents’ voices that is part ofrepparttar 111114 problem with kids not listening. After all, who wants to be lectured about what to do all day? If things still don’t work, take action—kids will respond to action much better than they will to words.

Problem #2: My kids aren’t respectful—they talk back and argue too much

One ofrepparttar 111115 problems with not having obedient kids anymore is that kids feel more freedom to speak their mind. This can be irritating, but it’s far better than obedient kids that just do what they’re told.

If your child talks to you in a disrespectful way, you have choices. One choice is to be angry with them and to actually create more ofrepparttar 111116 very behavior that you dislike. Getting angry when your child talks back to you is a great example of creating your own problems.

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