Selecting and Evaluating Keyphrases for Search Engine Marketing

Written by Scott Buresh

Many businesses recognize that search engines can bring volumes of highly targeted prospects to their website, typically at a fraction ofrepparttar cost of traditional marketing. Unfortunately, these same companies often overlookrepparttar 121130 most important part of their search engine marketing campaigns, which is keyphrase selection and evaluation. Keyphrases (those phrases that potential customers are using to find products or services on search engines) arerepparttar 121131 building block of any search engine marketing strategy. It is essential that they are chosen carefully, or elserepparttar 121132 remainder ofrepparttar 121133 campaign, no matter how effectiverepparttar 121134 implementation, will likely be in vain. What follows is a three-step process that goes overrepparttar 121135 process of compiling, selecting, and evaluatingrepparttar 121136 ongoing performance of keyphrases for search engines.

1. Compiling a keyphrase list: Usually, companies are sure that they already know their ideal keyphrases. Often, they are wrong. This is typically because it is very hard to separate oneself from a business and look at it fromrepparttar 121137 perspective of a potential customer (rather than an insider). Compiling a keyphrase list should not be, despite common practice, a strictly internal process. Rather, it is best to ask everyone outside of your company for their input, especially your customers. People are often very surprised atrepparttar 121138 keyphrase suggestions they get- and sometimes dismayed to realize that an average customer doesn’t speakrepparttar 121139 same language that they do. Only after you have put together a list of likely phrases from external sources do you add your own. As a last step, try to add variations, plurals, and derivatives ofrepparttar 121140 phrases on your list.

2. Evaluating keyphrases: Once you have compiled a master keyphrase list, it is time to evaluate each phrase to hone your list down to those most likely to bring yourepparttar 121141 highest amount of quality traffic. Although many individuals will base their assessment of keyphrase value based only on popularity figures, there are really three vitally important aspects of each phrase to consider.

Popularity By farrepparttar 121142 easiest ofrepparttar 121143 three to judge is popularity, since it is not subjective. Software like WordTracker gives popularity figures of search phrases based upon actual search engine activity (it also gives additional keyphrase suggestions and variations). Such software allows you to assign a concrete popularity number to each phrase to use when comparing them. Obviously,repparttar 121144 higherrepparttar 121145 number,repparttar 121146 more traffic that can be expected (assuming you are able to obtain good search engine positions). However, this number alone is not good enough reason to pursue any particular keyphrase, although too often keyphrase analysis stops here.

Specificity This is more abstract thanrepparttar 121147 sheer popularity number, but equally important. For example, let’s assume that you were able to obtain great rankings forrepparttar 121148 keyphrase “insurance companies” (a daunting prospect). Let’s also assume that you only deal with auto insurance. Although “insurance companies” might have a much higher popularity figure than “auto insurance companies”,repparttar 121149 first keyphrase would also be comprised of people looking for life insurance, health insurance, and home insurance. It is very likely that someone searching for a particular type of insurance will refine their search after seeingrepparttar 121150 disparate results returned fromrepparttar 121151 phrase “insurance companies”. Inrepparttar 121152 second, longer keyphrase, you can be reasonably sure that a much higher percentage of visitors will be looking for what you offer- andrepparttar 121153 addition ofrepparttar 121154 word “auto” will make it much easier to attain higher rankings, sincerepparttar 121155 longer term will be less competitive.

5 Ways to Encourage Impulse Purchases

Written by Bobette Kyle

I just bought six square pieces of spongy fabric for $20 and walked away happy - "victim" of an impulse purchase.

I was at one of those big show events and walked past a demonstration booth. I even knew it was coming. About 50% ofrepparttar people walking out were carrying two bright yellow cylinder-things.

As we walked towardrepparttar 121129 convention center, I told Tim (my other half), "There's one of those guys with a microphone in there, doing a demonstration. He gets people so excited they think they have to buy those things. They over-pay then never use them." I said this a bit smugly. I know of such things, so I wouldn't succumb.

Yeah, right. This guy was good. So good, I came away with five ideas for increasing sales from impulse purchases. Next time you evaluate short-term sales and marketing strategies, think about and apply these five impulse purchase lessons...

Impulse Purchase Lesson 1: Demonstrate an impressive, relevant feature.

Ifrepparttar 121130 product is chocolate, sold at a retail checkout stand, you have no need for this one. Human nature takes over. When you are selling unrecognizable cylinder things, people need some encouragement.

You would never know it to look at them, but these things were super absorbent shammies. They can suck 8 - 10 ounces of soda out of your carpet in nothing flat AND it makes for an impressive demonstration. Whenrepparttar 121131 demonstrator mentioned they could dry a sweater in three hours, I was hooked. Never mind we have about two spills a year in my house and I don't own any "lay flat to dry" sweaters.

This ability to get people to "live inrepparttar 121132 moment" is one key to a successful impulse purchase demonstration. The salesperson has a lot to do with it, of course. Repetition of an incredible, attractive feature, however, is key as well.

Think of any infomercial or "Billy Mays" product. There is always an "AMAZING!" feature - cooks in minutes, instantly removes stains, easily pulls dings from your car, etc.

2: Try to "time it right".

Quite coincidentally, one of those semiannual spills in my house happenedrepparttar 121133 day before I bumped intorepparttar 121134 yellow cylinder guy. I was thinking "If I'd had these yesterday, right now we wouldn't have books stacked inrepparttar 121135 middle ofrepparttar 121136 living room floor." Quite by accident, he had related to something that was top-of-mind for me.

Fortunately, you do not have to rely on coincidence. At any one time, there are usually six or eight generally popular "themes" you could tie into. Better yet, your target audience is likely to have it's own unique interests.

Onrepparttar 121137 Internet, you can "time it right" by associating complementary products or services. If someone is researching monitors, for example, perhaps they need an ink cartridge for their printer.

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