Selecting Flies for the Pacific Steelhead

Written by Cameron Larsen

Popular flies for Steelhead vary greatly whether you are fishing inrepparttar Pacific region or inrepparttar 133153 Great Lakes. The fisheries have developed separately and so haverepparttar 133154 preferences anglers have for flies cast to their intended prey. We will primarily concentrate on Steelhead flies onrepparttar 133155 West Coast in this article and concentrate on flies ofrepparttar 133156 Great Lakes region in a future article. There are some common patterns used in both regions as well, and we will point those out as we go along.

Fly fishing for Steelhead can be traced back torepparttar 133157 Eel River, in Northern California, duringrepparttar 133158 late 1800’s.. And many ofrepparttar 133159 first Steelhead pattern’s roots can be traced back torepparttar 133160 same era as well. There were a few problems during this time, and none more crucial than lack of material with which to tie flies. Standard featherwing trout patterns becamerepparttar 133161 foundation of many steelhead patterns. Other patterns were adopted from English trout patterns and Atlantic Salmon patterns. Many of today’s most popular Steelhead patterns can be traced back to these beginnings. Green Butt Skunk, Skykomish Sunrise, Purple Peril, to name just a few all hail back to these early beginnings.

I keep several fly boxes stocked just for steelhead, I always think I’ll leave a few home, before I head out, but rarely do. How many flies you decide to carry is up to you, but there a few things to consider when selecting an assortment of flies. The most popular colors for Steelhead flies are as follows: black, orange, purple, red, and chartreuse. The key is to have a variety of colors inrepparttar 133162 fly box before heading out. Althoughrepparttar 133163 old adage “bright days, bright flies, dark days, dark flies,” is a decent starting place. One also rememberrepparttar 133164 time of day one will be fishing. Summer steelheading is done mostly inrepparttar 133165 darker hours, and therefore dark flies are popular likerepparttar 133166 aforementioned Green Butt Skunk, and its variations.

The ubiquitous Wooly Bugger

Written by Cameron Larsen

The ubiquitous Woolly Bugger, never quite spelled correctly to my eyes, appeals torepparttar eyes of every gamefish imaginable. If I had one pattern to fishrepparttar 133152 rest of my life, no matter whatrepparttar 133153 fish, no matter whatrepparttar 133154 conditions, this would be it. Steelhead, Trout, Salmon, Bass, Shad, Pike, you name it, they will hit this pattern. Andrepparttar 133155 best thing? Usuallyrepparttar 133156 fish will be bigger than average,repparttar 133157 strikes harder than average, andrepparttar 133158 action better than average.

The origins ofrepparttar 133159 Woolly Bugger can be traced back torepparttar 133160 Old English patternrepparttar 133161 Woolly Worm, which is also a very effective pattern. Most credit Russell Blessing withrepparttar 133162 actual invention ofrepparttar 133163 Woolly Bugger inrepparttar 133164 early 1970’s in Pennsylvania. Although, Jack Dennis claims it is a variation ofrepparttar 133165 Black Martinez popularized inrepparttar 133166 West. And still others claim it was originally a Bass imitation developed inrepparttar 133167 late 1800’s in Missouri. Whateverrepparttar 133168 originsrepparttar 133169 popularity of this pattern cannot be denied.

Besides being used for all game fish,repparttar 133170 Bugger’s popularity can also be attributed to its versatility. It can be tied in almost every color imaginable. The most popular color’s are black, brown and olive, with purple and white right behind. But almost every color has been tied, and different color combinations are often used onrepparttar 133171 same fly. Another characteristic that makesrepparttar 133172 bugger so popular, is that you can’t fish it wrong. Okay if fish are slurping delicately on #24 Tri-co spinners, you don’t want to plunk a #6 Bugger right inrepparttar 133173 center of them. But if you are searching sub-surface for any kind of fish, in any kind of water, you could do a lot worse than selectingrepparttar 133174 woolly bugger.

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