Selecting A Business Name

Written by Mike Burstein

Picking a name for your new enterprise can be a daunting task. Spendrepparttar time required to make a wise choice on this key component of all of your future sales and marketing efforts.

Whilerepparttar 105356 quick and dirty solution may seem to be to use your own name or initials or a descriptive name of your locality,repparttar 105357 costs downrepparttar 105358 road to make a change to your business name are enormous.

The best name for a business isrepparttar 105359 one that leaves no question about what type of businessrepparttar 105360 name represents. While this may seem to be a simple requirement, it doesn't usually receiverepparttar 105361 careful forethought necessary duringrepparttar 105362 excitement of planning a new business startup.

Studyrepparttar 105363 names onrepparttar 105364 list below and decide which one(s) tell you immediately whatrepparttar 105365 company does:

· Cox Enterprises Inc · ABC Home Service · Bill Jones and Associates · Valley Service Inc · Johnson's Locksmith & Safe Service · Top ofrepparttar 105366 Hill Mobile Service

These were business names randomly selected from an online business directory. The only business that advertises its' services clearly through it's name is Johnson's Locksmith & Safe Service. The value of a clearly named business is immeasurable.

Spend plenty of time coming up with a name that sells your service. If possible, try to use a name that begins with a letter towardsrepparttar 105367 beginning ofrepparttar 105368 alphabet. This will assure you of a more prominent position on any lists your company ends up on, i.e., Internet business directories, phone directories, or industry specific lists. You will find lots of businesses that use A, AA or even AAA asrepparttar 105369 beginning of their name to insure positioning themselves atrepparttar 105370 head of any list they appear in. Just don't loose site ofrepparttar 105371 objective ofrepparttar 105372 name to clearly define your business.

Frank Sinatra Didn't Move Pianos

Written by Caterina Rando

Yesterday, I got a little lesson: Make space in life for living. I was running behind schedule, not an unusual event. I dashed into a gift shop, glanced quickly around and soon spotted what seemed likerepparttar perfect gift for a friend handed it torepparttar 105354 cashier, asked her to wrap it and pulled out my credit card. She put it in purple tissue paper, placed it in a bag and began to tie a bow. The bow tying would delay me two or three minutes so I told her to skip it. She handed merepparttar 105355 bag and dialed in my credit card while I thought to myself "Why didn't she dial my credit card in first?" This would delay me another minute. She became aware of my urgency and began to tease me about being in a hurry.

I was not amused. I was, however amused later that evening when I arrived for a birthday dinner with my friend and realized I had walked out ofrepparttar 105356 gift shop withoutrepparttar 105357 gift. I also locked my keys inrepparttar 105358 car withrepparttar 105359 engine running while making a "quick stop" beforerepparttar 105360 day was over.

This lesson "make space in life for living" came one month torepparttar 105361 day since I turned off my TV, draped a gold tablecloth over it, placed some candles on it and canceled my cable service. I do not miss it one bit. This was a good first step. I am not finished yet.

A friend recently said to me, "Frank Sinatra didn't move pianos." I took this to mean he focused on what he loved and what he was good at and leftrepparttar 105362 rest to others to do what they loved and what they were good at. Perhaps this is what allowed "The Chairman of The Board" to quickly became a legend in his industry and make time to enjoy living every day.

The people who focus on accomplishment, who plan, project, analyze and organize everything to get a job done, are frequentlyrepparttar 105363 same people who would be tuning and moving pianos if they were inrepparttar 105364 singing business. They would spend too much time onrepparttar 105365 process and not enough time onrepparttar 105366 passion. Life is for living not sacrificing your soul doing those things that suckrepparttar 105367 life out of you.

If you are feeling mired inrepparttar 105368 minutia of your life, try some of these tips to get unstuck and get out from under, doing so will allow you to start to sing and glide into more real living. Leaverepparttar 105369 pianos torepparttar 105370 moving experts.

Make Space in Your Life for True Living. Some things make you feel you are really living- like sharing a good meal with great friends, skating inrepparttar 105371 park, getting front row seats forrepparttar 105372 opera, taking your dog for a walk on a bright sunny day. We need more time for those activities - and even more time to bring our compelling visions into reality. Where isrepparttar 105373 time and space in your life going to come from to do that?

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