Seeing Sound: VJs Create Music Videos in 3D

Written by Scott G (The G-Man)

You've heard of DJs, now meetrepparttar VJ, or video jockey,repparttar 145043 newest creative force in music videos, metropolitan night clubs and pop music festivals. Inrepparttar 145044 '70s, VJs ran film clips and projector slides, but today's VJ is a live performer who triggers video files in laptop computers using newly-created software to spontaneously create imagery that appears to be in three dimensions.

There are cosmic blue 3D stars that explode, neon-bright planets that implode, and pulsating patterns that can hypnotize you, and that's just inrepparttar 145045 first minute ofrepparttar 145046 new VJ Sound Brew video for "Squealorama," a track from my SONIC TONIC album.

"Welcome torepparttar 145047 world's newest art form," says John Brewington, who performs as VJ Sound Brew. "We have live integration of computer created designs andrepparttar 145048 audio from a song. It means spontaneous creativity," he continued. "One ofrepparttar 145049 newest examples is inrepparttar 145050 music video for 'Squealorama'."

Performed live,repparttar 145051 video for 'Squealorama' is a high-tech blend of 3D laser and computer imagery that takes viewers on a visual journey to outer and inner space.

Using a software program, Zuma, from a company called 3DMaxMedia, Brewington creates 3D objects live asrepparttar 145052 song is played. "Today's VJ can express himself like a painter and a sculptor, withrepparttar 145053 added excitement of real-time interaction. And when I perform this in a club, I can take inrepparttar 145054 crowd reaction and make an entirely new video to 'Squealorama' or any other song." This flexibility means every performance by VJ Sound Brew is unique.

Other artists are turning to VJs to augment their live or recorded performances, including pop group *NSYNC, progressive rockers Yes, and trance artist John Laraio, known as Mobius 8.

The real-time graphics capability of Zuma enables Mobius 8 to render audio as visual motion, utilizing 3D imagery, video and lasers.

Up to now, VJs have stayed with very mainstream choices of music. "The 'Squealorama' song is controversial," states Brian Forest, Vice President of G-Man Music & Radical Radio, "because of its 15 pauses duringrepparttar 145055 last two minutes, during which dancers freeze in position up against their partners. Now,repparttar 145056 song is finding an even bigger audience onrepparttar 145057 Internet because ofrepparttar 145058 eye-popping visuals inrepparttar 145059 VJ Sound Brew music video," Forest added.

"Music is actually made visual by VJ Sound Brew," Forest says, "with magical shimmering patterns, hip hypnotic formations, stalactites and stalagmites that shoot out at you, quasars, comets, black holes, and a constantly moving matrix of incandescent anti-matter."

Struggling to Manage Your Ever-Growing Digital Photo Collection?

Written by John Grand

You know what I loverepparttar most about digital photography? I love that I can take as many pictures as I want withoutrepparttar 143277 nagging thought of film development costs going "ka-ching!" inrepparttar 143278 back of my mind with each snapshot. I no longer have to decide: "will this make a good picture?" Who cares, I just take it for now, and decide if I like it later. Now that is what I call photographic freedom!

This freedom that we enjoy with digital photography is not without consequence. Atrepparttar 143279 risk of statingrepparttar 143280 obvious, less hesitation leads to a lot more photos! With film cameras, unsorted pictures ended up in a shoebox (or, in my case, unceremoniously dumped in a large filing cabinet drawer - a failed attempt at conveying a sense of order). With digital cameras, unsorted photos get sprinkled all over your computer disks. Combined withrepparttar 143281 fact that we take a lot more digital photos than we used to take with our 35 mm, we end up with one huge mess instead of a photo collection.

Here are some ofrepparttar 143282 unique challenges that we face with digital photography:

1) Organization

This isrepparttar 143283 first, and most obvious, problem that we run into. We've taken all these photos, and now what? Where do we put them? If you were fortunate enough to think of organization fromrepparttar 143284 start, then you might have created a folder on your computer disk called "pictures" and dumped them all in there. That's one step ahead of a lot of people who have image files spread out all overrepparttar 143285 place. Sometimes we rely on software to put files inrepparttar 143286 right place, butrepparttar 143287 problem is that we use many software packages as sources of photos. We use one software package to extract photos from our digital camera. We receive some photos by email. We grab photos fromrepparttar 143288 internet, from Word documents, etc. Each of these programs putsrepparttar 143289 photos in different places. The end result is that we often can't findrepparttar 143290 photo we're searching for. Even worse, we lose some photos somewhere onrepparttar 143291 computer and forget all about them.

2) Presentation

With film photography, we regularly created photo albums to show friends and family. Inviting people over to watch us search for, and double-click, each of our image files pales by comparison.

3) Safety

With film photography, our photos were safe as long as nothing catastrophic happened like our house burned down. Our digital photos are a lot more vulnerable to being lost altogether. Computer disk crashes, while relatively rare, are still much more likely to occur then a house burning down. But that's notrepparttar 143292 only thing that we need to worry about. Someone could accidentally, and so easily, slip a folder that contained photos intorepparttar 143293 trash bin. Or our computer could get infected with a malicious virus that erases files.

4) Security

When we show our developed photos to someone, they only get to seerepparttar 143294 photos that we hand over to them. Andrepparttar 143295 developed photos we showed were behind a plastic sheet in an album, which offered basic protection from spills or children with sticky fingers. Inrepparttar 143296 digital world, how do we protect our photos? Anyone onrepparttar 143297 computer can root through all ofrepparttar 143298 pictures, move them, rename them, and even delete them. Sticky finger problems have been replaced withrepparttar 143299 more devastating delete key problem.

Fortunately, there are software solutions that address some or all of these issues. A must for digital camera enthusiasts is a digital photo album software package. If you think you don't have time to use software to organize your digital photos,repparttar 143300 opposite is more likely to be true: you are too busy to do without digital photo album software! The amount of time you will waste searching for photos is much greater thanrepparttar 143301 small learning curve needed to masterrepparttar 143302 basics of a good software package. And once you haverepparttar 143303 basics, that's whenrepparttar 143304 software really starts to pay off in time savings.

There are many software packages out there for you to choose from, and most of them will satisfy your basic needs. You can usually try them out for free, and you should. Software that is right for one person may not berepparttar 143305 best solution for someone else. Oncerepparttar 143306 basics are covered, it comes down to personal preference. Which do you find easy to use? Which one offers added little features that you want to take advantage of? What will you be doing with your photo collection? Keep asking yourself these questions as you evaluate various software products.

Let's take a look at how digital photo album software can solve allrepparttar 143307 issues raised earlier.


This isrepparttar 143308 first issue that digital photo album software must address, and address well. Ifrepparttar 143309 tools to organize your photos are complicated or awkward, then you're less likely to makerepparttar 143310 effort to keep your collection in order.

Some ofrepparttar 143311 things you should look for include:

i) How doesrepparttar 143312 software deal withrepparttar 143313 photos? Does if leave all of your photos scattered on your disk, or does it gather them up in one place? A good analogy for this is your house. Let's say that your house has become one big cluttered mess (I don't want to name names, butrepparttar 143314 author has that problem). Furthermore, you are fed up with not being able to find any of your things, and you want to get organized. What would you rather do?

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