Seeds Don't Worry - Natures Way To Success

Written by Jai Johnson

?How inrepparttar world are you going to make it?? she asked. ?My work isn?t selling and I?m just going to quit!?

The above comment came from a friend experiencing frustration over her artwork not selling. She also asked me how I could continue to keep on producing and putting my art out there for sale, when nothing is happening, and when I have no other source of income.

After reading her letter, I took a deep breath. My mind told me she was right it makes complete, logical sense fromrepparttar 105504 current financial standpoint. The fire of an emotional response smoldered I don?t want to give up what I love andrepparttar 105505 work I have done! Confusion, frustration and worry decided to pay a visit. Is she right?

My heart stepped up at that point and told me I needed a break - it said to take a walk and perhaps I just might be enlightened by a new idea. So I stepped outside on this beautiful day and stopping atrepparttar 105506 top ofrepparttar 105507 hill where we planted seeds recently, I looked around.

Nothing is happening there is no sign of life?yet.

At that point, an interesting thought knocked atrepparttar 105508 door and walked in my mind. I?ve planted these seeds and nothing is happening. Should I dig them up and throw them away because nothing is happening?yet? The answer is of course no. Because it takes time for things to grow after they are planted. That?s nature?s way.

Unlikerepparttar 105509 internet,repparttar 105510 fast-paced ofrepparttar 105511 world we live in, andrepparttar 105512 increasing speed of technology where news can get from point A to point B in a matter of seconds, nature still does what it has always done. It takes its time. It is patient. It doesn?t rush and doesn?t control, and it surrenders things out of its control. The seeds don?t worry. They just live. And we are accepting of this when it comes to nature we just have faith that nature knows what its doing with its work, and we let it produce naturally.

I realized at that moment, I have faith something will happen with those seeds I?ve planted. That?s why they stay inrepparttar 105513 ground. I?ve done my part. I chose fertile ground to plantrepparttar 105514 seeds in, and I?ve planted them. They are getting plenty of sunshine. The weather is warm. They are watered and they are being fertilized. They are being taken care of and nurtured torepparttar 105515 best of my ability. And they will respond, do their part, and grow.

Six Management Tips for Trying Economic Times Part 2

Written by Molly Luffy

Okay guys - have you done your homework? Have you been implementingrepparttar steps that we've been discussing overrepparttar 105503 last couple of issues?

Well, maybe you're not completely there yet, but I'm sure you are on your way. Don't forget to write me if you have any questions. Just for fun, let's make sure we're clear withrepparttar 105504 tips - how about a super-quick review?

Tip 1 - Get your attitude in check Tip 2 - Address your employees' attitude issues (fun, huh?) Tip 3 - Keeprepparttar 105505 lines of communication with staff as open as possible Tip 4 - Re-assess and re-prioritize projects Tip 5 - Meet or beat deadlines

Alrighty - so now we're up to number six. You ready?? It's REWARD employees for their hard work!!!

Yay - reward employees - that's a fun one!!! You'll get to make people feel good and make them feel appreciated and spend a little more time with your employees and maybe even get to spend a little money on rewards...wait a minute. I can feelrepparttar 105506 vibes out there - do I detect a little resistance?

Well, if you are somewhat uncomfortable with this concept - don't worry. You are not alone. In fact many, many managers far and wide have a tough time with this whole praise and reward deal. Why? Well, I have my theories (shocking, huh?) but I won't bore you withrepparttar 105507 details (another shock!). Let's just tacklerepparttar 105508 issue of why it's so important and how to go about it and that may help you feel a little bit more at ease with actually doing it. Praising and rewarding that is.

Okay - so here'srepparttar 105509 deal. Have you heard that old saying about how money isn'trepparttar 105510 biggest motivator in employee performance? Well, I certainly don't have scientific proof of that, but in my experience it seems to berepparttar 105511 truth. So if that's notrepparttar 105512 biggest performance motivator - what is? Can you guess?

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