Secrets of Creating Success with Ease

Written by Neil Millar

Do you ever strum your fingers onrepparttar desk top as you look down at your work and think, ‘Right, how can I do all this lot without really working?’

Brought up in an era with a cliché that went: ‘You must work hard for a living’ my attitude to work conflicted with what I’d learned from my elders and peers. I felt ‘wrong’ because I wanted to be lazy. I felt ‘guilty’ for wanting to do as little as possible and ‘unworthy’ in my role as office manager for an insurance brokerage. But I tell you I’ve cracked it! I’ve discovered how to maximize my results without working like a dog.

When I tell you how easy this is, you might not believe me. When I tell you how easy this is you’ll probably think thatrepparttar 103681 idea is so alien to your ‘work hard for a living’ ethics that you won’t want to believe me, so before I share my secret to success with you, let me first tell you something worth bearing in mind…

Every day doctors prescribe more and more anti-depressants, Every month more and more couples separate or divorce; and Every year more and more employees take time off work because of one stress disorder or another.

We work too long… we work too hard… we get tired… we get stressed… and we die too young.

So my first secret of success is this: if your work hurts you or depresses you then it is killing you. And I’m willing to put money on it that you’ll find yourself much less effective as a dead person. But you know that there is something inside of you that makes you feel good, something that excites you, something that will bring you life if only you discover how to get to it.

Some people have heart attacks or get cancer withrepparttar 103682 stress of overwork. It’s a pretty rude awakening. Some people review life when they find out they might die soon. My wake up call for working too hard was a fourteen-foot fall, head first onto concrete. The impact hurt…naturally! But more importantly it knocked enough sense into my skull to make me realise how precious life is and served as a reminder that I really needed to get back to creating that system of not working too hard.

My second secret is to substituterepparttar 103683 word ‘hard’ for ‘efficiently’. Who wants to work with their nose torepparttar 103684 grindstone, their shoulder torepparttar 103685 wheel and their ears torepparttar 103686 ground… for one thing it’s a very uncomfortable position to work! For another I don’t believe your posture will help your brain flow with creative ideas. Before I tell you my effective work posture let me just briefly explain what I do for a living.

Soft E-mail selling skills coaching

Written by Mick

I have been operating onrepparttar web for quite a while and i have seen spam time and time again,, but recently i have been learning Soft E

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