Secrets Of Getting Free Advertising

Written by Jason Barrow

Tips and trick for getting free advertising for your product or service.

The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of promoting your own objectives without cost that it literally bogglesrepparttar mind just to think of listing them.

Ezine article writing: One way is to write an article relative to your particular expertise and submit it to allrepparttar 119982 publications and media dealing inrepparttar 119983 dissemination of related information. In other words, become your own publicity and sales promotions writer. Getrepparttar 119984 word out; establish yourself as an expert in your field, and "tag-along" everything you write with a quick note listing your address for a catalog, dealership opportunity, or more information.

Participate in radio and TV talk shows: Another really good way is by becoming a guest on as many ofrepparttar 119985 radio and television talk shows or interview type programs as possible. Actually, this is much easier to bring about than most people realize. Write a letter torepparttar 119986 producer of these programs, then follow up with an in-person visit or telephone call. Your initial contact should emphasize that your product or service would be of interest torepparttar 119987 listeners or viewers ofrepparttar 119988 program - perhaps even saving them time or money.

Posting advertising circulars: Other ways of getting free or very inexpensive exposure includerepparttar 119989 posting of advertising circulars on allrepparttar 119990 free bulletin boards in your area, especiallyrepparttar 119991 coin-operated laundries, grocery stores, and beauty and barber shops. Don't discountrepparttar 119992 idea of handing out circulars to allrepparttar 119993 shoppers in busy shopping centers and malls, especially on weekends. You can also enlistrepparttar 119994 aid ofrepparttar 119995 middle school students in your area to hand out circulars door-to-door.

Use your business cards and envelops: Some ofrepparttar 119996 more routine methods include having a promotional ad relative to your product or service printed onrepparttar 119997 front or back of your envelopes, business cards atrepparttar 119998 time you have them printed with your return address.

Userepparttar 119999 publications: Be sure to check allrepparttar 120000 publications that carryrepparttar 120001 kind of advertising you need. Many mail order publications just getting started offer unusually low rates to first-time advertisers; a free-of-charge insertion of your ad when you pay for an order to run three issues or more; or special seasonal ad space at greatly reduced rates. And there are a number of publications that will give you Per Inquiry (PI) space - an arrangement where all orders come in torepparttar 120002 publication, they take a commission from each order, and then forwardrepparttar 120003 orders on to you for fulfillment.

Seminar Marketing: Boost Your Business by Running Seminars

Written by Stuart Lockley

All professional practices haverepparttar perennial problem of how to attract new clients. The comfortable days that some of us once knew have long since gone and competition is nowrepparttar 119981 order ofrepparttar 119982 day. Professionals who have not been trained in marketing must feel their way towards a solution which will bring them new clients.

Many professionals opt for seminars as a way of obtaining new business. The traditional method is to organise a number of short breakfast or after work seminars. The seminar is advertised locally and a nominal price charged because we have all learnt that people who do not pay, often do not attend. A few staff will talk on topics we believe potential clients will find interesting then there will be food and a chance to network. We all tell ourselves that this system must work otherwise our competitors would not keep doing it.

The problem with this model of course is that we are not fooling anyone, withrepparttar 119983 possible exception of ourselves. Everyone knowsrepparttar 119984 reason forrepparttar 119985 seminar and only attends because they happen to be interested in that specific topic. The other problem is that not one firm in a hundred has an effective system for following up onrepparttar 119986 people who attendrepparttar 119987 seminar.

It is time to re-thinkrepparttar 119988 model. Seminars can be a very valuable marketing tool if they are used correctly. The seminar should be used both to provide existing clients with something of value and to attract potential new clients in a low cost way. This can be achieved withrepparttar 119989 following approach:

 First begin by understanding that your most important clients arerepparttar 119990 ones that you already have, notrepparttar 119991 ones that you hope to acquire next week.

 Secondly understand that your best source of new clients is existing clients. I am assuming of course that you are providing your existing clients with a good service.

 Thirdly realise that it is a lot easier to prevent existing clients leaving your firm than it is to attract new clients to try your service.

Begin by listing all of your clients in descending order of importance, probably ranked by fees or turnover. Now divide your clients into four categories, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. When you look at your own list of clients it will probably be obvious where to drawrepparttar 119992 dividing lines.

Once you have carried out this exerciserepparttar 119993 first thing you will realise is that to lose a Platinum or Gold client would be a blow to any firm regardless of their size. These clients would be both difficult and expensive to replace.

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