Secrets Of FREE Radio Advertising

Written by Tony Boswell

Have You Ever Thought About Or Wanted To Advertise Your Internet Business In Radio, But Didn't Know How Or Thought You Couldn't Afford To?

Well...What If I Told You It Was Completely Possible To Advertise Your Internet Business On The Radio Without Spending A Dime?

That In Fact...I'm Doing It Every Day!

But you DON’T have to believe me…simple fact is - I don’t want you to!

Why? Because I want you to be a smart business owner and do a little research by having a look for yourself. Just go to;ref1?login=shyl1 any time day or night and look atrepparttar radio station’s driving people to my website – and oh yeah - it’s NOT costing me a SINGLE PENNY!

Have I got your attention now?

Good, but first, let me begin by telling you how my day starts. I get up about 3 am and do a little research. By 4 am I have sent off a couple emails, that I know will eventually bring me LIVE in front of several 100's of THOUSANDS of highly motivated, and targeted consumers for my product. You read that right, just a couple emails.

How am I doing this? It's real simple, I tookrepparttar 100975 concept of an infomercial and combined it with another marketing idea fromrepparttar 100976 1950’s and it just evolved into one BIG snowball...

The Backdoor Policy

One night while I was flipping through channels onrepparttar 100977 boob tube, I seen a product exactly likerepparttar 100978 one I am promoting for an affiliate program and a light bulb came on. I said, "HEY! Here's this product I have been working with in an affiliate program and it's on TV, and people are already being exposed to it!"

However, unlikerepparttar 100979 infomercials, where it’s advertised withinrepparttar 100980 confines and Surrealness of “TVLAND”, and having some people you don't even know trying to pawn some product off on you, in radio you have HOSTS that you know and trust on a more ‘personal’ level, because you listen as they discuss topics that are real to you every single morning. And SOME people listen religiously, just like having to have that cup of coffee inrepparttar 100981 morning.

I said,"Hey, I can get in on this Gig, I've done it 1000's of times with my bands! Why should some product make this time any different - after all, my music was my product last time - wasn't it?"

Recognition Through Association

So taking that even a step further...what would happen if you got these HOSTS actually interested in your products and services...and they in turn, got their listening audience interested in your products and services? I'm talking about 100's of THOUSAND of people that trust and know these morning radio show hosts.

Just imaginingrepparttar 100982 profits gives me goose bumps - and seeingrepparttar 100983 proof in my bank account is inspiring! It's incredible to sayrepparttar 100984 least.

Now, In radio, withrepparttar 100985 morning shows...the listening audience is reminded every day of your product just by listening to these hosts (DJ's), because they know and trust them!

It's like talking to a friend and remembering, "Hey, wasn't "Joe" saying something about such-n-such yesterday when we were talking? I think I'll give him a call later and ask him some more about that." The result is that people are remembering whatrepparttar 100986 topic wasrepparttar 100987 day before, your product. And there are alot of other ways people are reminded as well! I bet you even remember some ofrepparttar 100988 topics of you local radio show from this morning - don't you?

And it all boils down to memory retention, recall and recognition through Association. Andrepparttar 100989 Multi-million Dollar companies and Multi-National Corporations have known how to use this for years, and have been using it.

That's how using morning radio show talk hosts to promote your product to 100's of thousands of their listening audience can literally make you 1000's of dollars in a matter of minutes. If THEY think it's okay or are even interested in it themselves...wouldn't you be inclined to agree - or at least take a closer look into it for yourself, as if a good friend just told some incredible story about a product that they were using? Friends, let me tell you something - If you have a killer lead capture system and a KILLER sales copy on you web page, your potential to grow a money tree overnight is astronomical!

Brennan's Gifts and Home Decor

Written by Clarice Powers

Looking for individuals to visit our online store and perhaps requestrepparttar information we have for Wholesale Job Opportunities. Our products are of quality and are only chosen for such. We offer nothing in

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