Secrets Of Aromatherapy Part I - Physical Remedies

Written by Liz Santher

Aromatherapy can be used to relieverepparttar discomfort of a wide range of minor physical complaints including burns, colds, flu, sinus problems, cold sores, eczema, headache, indigestion, menopause, menstrual irregularities, muscle aches, nausea and toothaches.

Diluted in healing carrier oil such as aloe vera, essential oils can relieverepparttar 137755 pain of minor burns. Just add a few drops of chamomile, geranium, lavender, neroli or peppermint oil to eight ounces of aloe vera to make your own healing salve. Of course if you are suffering from a serious third degree burn that exposes blisters, pus or red and raw bleeding skin you should immediately take yourself to a hospital!

Aromatherapy can also be used to easerepparttar 137756 discomfort of suffering from colds and flus. Oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, ginger, clove, juniper and rosemary can help relieve congestion. Warming oils such as clove, frankincense and pine can help relieve aches and pains. Diffusing lavender or eucalyptus throughrepparttar 137757 air can help purifyrepparttar 137758 sick room of any viruses as well as soothe sore sinuses.

Mixing a few drops of geranium, lavender or tea tree oil in healing carrier oil such as jojoba or aloe vera can also help remoisturize dry cracked lips and heal annoying cold sores. Applied torepparttar 137759 facerepparttar 137760 same oils can help clear up acne and blackheads.

If eczema is a problem then gently applying a couple of drops each of any combination of chamomile, geranium, lavender, neroli, patchouli or tea tree oil can help sootherepparttar 137761 pain as well as reducerepparttar 137762 angry red appearance ofrepparttar 137763 skin.

Aromatherapy has proved to be so effective at relieving headaches that there are now many commercial aromatherapy preparations onrepparttar 137764 market concocted especially for this purpose. Applying oils such as basil, eucalyptus, lavender, linden blossom or peppermint (in a commercial cream based mixture or prepared yourself in eight ounces of a carrier oil) is thought to be as effective as aspirin and anti- inflammatories at relieving a headache.

The truth about Teeth Whitening Processes

Written by Rebecca Blain

By Rebecca Blain of

Teeth whitening is a growing concern in many households aroundrepparttar world. As appearances, especially ofrepparttar 137754 face and mouth, become more vital in business and public affairs, many people attempt to gain whiter teeth through a variety of different methods. Before you startrepparttar 137755 teeth whitening process, however, there are a few things that you should know.

First and foremost, accelerating teeth whitening can cause problems in your future, should you prove to be unlucky. Professional office treatments and homemade or out of office treatments carryrepparttar 137756 risk of mouth cancer due to agitation torepparttar 137757 gums, lips and tongue. Your teeth are also at risk as well, due to howrepparttar 137758 process works. Fortunately, as treatments progress, this concern is limited, although total removal ofrepparttar 137759 risks has not yet been developed. There is currently only one method that does not cause a risk of cancer, and that is simply brushing daily with a standard toothpaste.

If you decide thatrepparttar 137760 low risks of cancer are worth a brighter smile, there are two primary methods you can use to get what you want.

In-Office Whitening

The first method is in office treatments. There are several types of in office treatments that you can take advantage of, ranging from professional tray treatments and laser treatment. While tray treatments are less expensive, these can be quite messy, taste bad, and make your gums sore for numerous days afterwards. Tray treatments also require several sessions, or a take home kit that allows you to whiten your teeth without having to seerepparttar 137761 specialist more than once. The Zoom treatments are a good example of one of these styles of treatments. In most cases,repparttar 137762 Zoom treatment takes roughly three days for it to be completely effective.

The second style of in office treatments are Laser treatments. These treatments are much quicker, causes a more extreme discomfort that goes away quickly, and has a much more noticeable effect. However, laser treatment is expensive. One session can cost more than a thousand dollars, depending on how muchrepparttar 137763 laser needs to be used. Most sessions will take roughly thirty minutes to an hour, making itrepparttar 137764 quickest type available today. However, once you begin laser treatments, if you do not take care to keep your teeth white, you will need to go back after a few months. Daily brushing and careful hygiene will be required in order to avoid having to return for a second treatment.

Do-it-Yourself Kits

The second method is a broad category of treatments that are specifically designed to be cheaper and convenient. Out of office treatments, ranging from tray treatments, pen treatments, gel treatments, strips and more, are designed in a fashion where evenrepparttar 137765 busiest individual will have enough time to getrepparttar 137766 whiter smile they want. Unlikerepparttar 137767 office treatments, these treatments take time and effort over a longer period of time in order to getrepparttar 137768 results that you want. For those who wantrepparttar 137769 quickest results, premium 7 day strips offer amongrepparttar 137770 strongest treatments available outside of a doctor's office. Both Crest and Colgate offer strips that allow you to do treatments within a period of 7 days. These treatments will cost you less than 100 dollars forrepparttar 137771 entire 7 day period of time.

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