Searching for Silence in a Noisy World

Written by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Searching for Silence in a Noisy World by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

When wasrepparttar last time you were surrounded by silence? It seems that background noise is an ever-present reality of our world. The T.V. and radio are our constant companions. Our children play with electronic toys that beep and wail atrepparttar 126509 push of a button. Our streets are full of roaring engines, tooting horns, andrepparttar 126510 pounding of construction. At night, we may run a fan or have an air conditioner humming inrepparttar 126511 background. We do not even sleep in silence. The sounds of nature and indeedrepparttar 126512 sounds of our own mind are drowned out byrepparttar 126513 constant din.

What is it about silence that makes us so uncomfortable? While we have little control over many ofrepparttar 126514 noises of our world, what aboutrepparttar 126515 ones we can control? How often do we makerepparttar 126516 conscious choice to turn offrepparttar 126517 background noise, to pay attention to that which is within us? What is it that we are afraid we will find? It is in those all too rare moments of silence that we can truly come to know ourselves.

Only two people who have known each other a great deal can sit comfortably in silence. Among new acquaintances, we force ourselves to keeprepparttar 126518 conversation going. Silence feels forced and awkward. Inrepparttar 126519 intimacy of an old friendship or within a marriage, however,repparttar 126520 silence can be comforting. We do not feelrepparttar 126521 need to always come up with something to talk about. There is no pressure to perform. Nothing is forced. We are free to just be inrepparttar 126522 presence ofrepparttar 126523 other.

So should it be in our relationship with God. In our prayer, our conversation with God, do we always feelrepparttar 126524 need to be talking? Do we ever stop to listen? God, who loves us and knows us more intimately than any human ever could, exists within us and invites us to just be inrepparttar 126525 presence ofrepparttar 126526 divine. Obviously, conversation with God and being with God is different from our human relationships. In our interpersonal encounters, we can seerepparttar 126527 person with whom we are conversing, we can hear their voice onrepparttar 126528 telephone, or read an email from a friend. With God, we need to trust that He is always there with us, whether we sense Him or not. It is up to us to open ourselves torepparttar 126529 possibility of experiencing God. In silence, we can more fully allow ourselves to be open to that possibility.

The Story of Adam and Eve

Written by Mike Bradley

To really understand how we all got here, what it really means to be "born again" and why there is so much death and destruction in repparttar world we live in - you have to go back torepparttar 126508 very beginning torepparttar 126509 story of Adam and Eve as told to us inrepparttar 126510 Bible.

To truly understand our roots and beginnings as Christians, we have to fully understand what occurred in this story. In this article, we will coverrepparttar 126511 basic highlights of exactly what God was doing when He createdrepparttar 126512 first man andrepparttar 126513 first woman and what happened when they could not stay off ofrepparttar 126514 one tree that He told them not to eat from.

As a result of their one disobedient act, all of mankind had to be born into an imperfect fallen world subject to death, corruption, demonic spirits and bad and evil people who have chosen with their free wills to live this life onrepparttar 126515 dark side - thereby causing untold pain, death and misery to millions of people throughoutrepparttar 126516 ages.

This incredible story also explains God's perfect setup in arranging for His Son Jesus Christ to come to our earth inrepparttar 126517 flesh, to go torepparttar 126518 cross to die for all ofrepparttar 126519 sins of mankind - thereby restoring our divine connection back to Godrepparttar 126520 Father and gaining us entry into heaven when we all die and cross over. The story of Adam and Eve (setsrepparttar 126521 stage) forrepparttar 126522 greatest story that will ever be told -repparttar 126523 coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to our earth to save us from our sins.

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