Search Tips for Internet Marketers

Written by Ryen Kim

From kids torepparttar old, everybody searches and search engines provide search tips to help searchers get more relevant result.

But how many of those search tips are you using? There are some tips very useful especially for Internet marketers and web masters. I've summarized those tips and explained how those search tips can be helpful for Internet Marketers in this article.

Although I'm writing this article for Internet Marketers,repparttar 105584 usage of these tips applies are not restricted only for them.

Suppose you want to write a web page, find or create a web site about 'Internet Marketing Blog.' You may want to know or should know :-) what's going on about 'Internet Marketing Blog' onrepparttar 105585 net. So, you'll open your favorite search engine, type internet marketing blog and hit enter.

What do you get?

You'll have search engine result pages (SERPs) that includes all three terms plus those includes only two of them or one of them. This is not what you wanted.

1. How to make SERPs include all three terms? Use plus sign in front of each search term. That is, type; +internet +marketing +blog . This applies all search engines.
Now you may wonder is it possible to haverepparttar 105586 SERPs including internet marketing but not blog?

2. How to make SERPs exclude a certain term? Use minus sign in front of search term you want to exclude. That is, type; +internet +marketing -blog . You'll seerepparttar 105587 web sites that include both internet and marketing but not blog. This applies all search engines.
Going back torepparttar 105588 starting point,repparttar 105589 above two tips are still not sufficient to your purpose: getting information about "Internet Marketing Blog." Say, you wantedrepparttar 105590 exact phrase.

3. How to make SERPs includerepparttar 105591 exact phrase? Use quotation mark. That is, type; "internet marketing blog". This applies all search engines. Many searchers know this tip and it's especially important for Internet marketers when they want to know how many competitors are out there.

4. How to make SERPs showrepparttar 105592 pages that include search terms inrepparttar 105593 title? Type; intitle:"internet marketing blog" for Google and Teoma. Type;title:"internet marketing blog" for AltaVista, AllTheWeb and MSN. This tip is powerful if you want to write web content about your targeted keyword. The benefits are :

* You'll know which web sites haverepparttar 105594 pages that compete you. * You'll find what are they doing in their pages. * As a consequence, you'll know what you can learn from them and more importantly you'll find what they are missing. Hence, you can findrepparttar 105595 way to beat them.

5. How to make SERPs show only PDF file? Suppose you want to offer a free e-book, say "Greatest Marketing Secrets" which is in PDF format, you may want to know how many web sites are offering this free e-book. In Google can this be easily done by typing "greatest marketing secrets" filetype:pdf. You'll see how many web sites are offering that e-book and which web sites as well. Google has an ability to show another 12 non HTML file, such as Word, Lotus files.
For Yahoo!, digging into advanced search tips link, you can achieve similar result.

Podcasting: Internet Radio On Demand... and MORE!

Written by Jim Edwards

If you haven't heardrepparttar term "podcast" yet, you will.

It's about to blowrepparttar 105583 world of online audio throughrepparttar 105584 roof as every Tom, Dick and Shirley can now operate a high powered Internet Radio station providing on-demand audio (and shortly, video) with nothing more than a microphone, simple software, and a little imagination.

Just like cable TV inrepparttar 105585 1980's gave smaller networks and individuals a voice on television, podcasting gives individuals a voice (literally) through online audio.

Podcasting is actuallyrepparttar 105586 audio form of "blogging," where individuals share their thoughts in writing over time on a dynamic webpage known as a "blog."

With blogging, subscribers and other blog publishers subscribe to and cross promote each other's content by linking to and writing about each other.

With podcasting,repparttar 105587 author shares his or her thoughts in audio form (MP3) and subscribers download and listen torepparttar 105588 audio either on their computers, burnrepparttar 105589 files to CD, or transferrepparttar 105590 files to one ofrepparttar 105591 increasingly popular portable MP3 players.

In fact,repparttar 105592 term "podcasting" draws its name fromrepparttar 105593 iPod, created by Apple Computers.

Initially you might thinkrepparttar 105594 only people podcasting are geeks and computer nerds, but that's notrepparttar 105595 case.

If you imagine "talk radio" meets "free cable access" then you have and idea of what pocasting is now and how it could evolve inrepparttar 105596 future.

Right now, any idiot (like me) with a microphone and something to say can create an online radio show.

This type of access to media that reaches a world-wide market enables smaller, niche publishers to develop a world-wide following that just isn't monetarily feasible in traditional mass-media.

That means talk shows like "Chihuahua Breeding" or "Motorcycle Fashion Weekly" that could never hope to afford air time in a local market, can now develop an audience onrepparttar 105597 Internet.

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