Search Engines... What They LOVE and HOW-TO Get Them To Come CRAWL Your Website

Written by Cory Threlfall

Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Search Engines... one ofrepparttar MOST tricky marketing tactics of them all online simply becauserepparttar 147478 SE's are forever changingrepparttar 147479 rules of Website Optimization.

Meaning... what used to work "Yesterday" might not work "Today".

Now, with that said, forrepparttar 147480 remainder of this article I want to let you in on what SE's 'LOVE' and will thank you for everytime you hand them over some.

It's really not much of a mystery to those of you who have been marketing online for some time But for those of you who haven't this is something you should seriously consider getting into for more reasons than ONE.

OKAY. Enough ofrepparttar 147481 small talk. I'm going to dive straight in and get torepparttar 147482 point Right Now on what SE's 'LOVE' and it's simply...


That's right, "Content" is what SE's 'LOVE' and are continually crawlingrepparttar 147483 Internet for Day and Night 24/7/365 and will gladly pay your website a visit if you supply it on a Daily, Weekly or Monthly basis.

The more often you supply "Content" and post it on your websiterepparttar 147484 more often SE spiders will come CRAWL and "index" your website pages.

The question is... "do you write Articles?"

If you don't, maybe you might want to consider it.

Now that you know what SE's 'LOVE', your probably wondering whatrepparttar 147485 BEST way is to getrepparttar 147486 SE spiders attention to get them to come on over and CRAWL your website.

Well, first off I would recommend you submitting your Articles(whether you have some already or plan on starting) to 'Article Directories' simply because SE spiders are constantly CRAWLING these websites since they are SO full of content and are updated usually on a daily basis.

You can find them by simply typing in "article directories" into your favorite search engine's search field.

The other great thing about 'Article Directories' is they usually have HIGH 'PR'(Popularity Ranking) which is another KEY thing SE's take into consideration which means once you've posted your articles on that directory or directories,repparttar 147487 spiders will eventually 'Find' your article, crawl that page within that Article Directory and followrepparttar 147488 corresponding links within your "Resource Box" back to your website.

The more article directories you post to,repparttar 147489 more chances you'll have at getting some SE spider activity on your website, crawling and indexing your webpages.

Product Marketing for Internet Based Home Businesses

Written by Paul Jesse

Copyright 2005 Paul Jesse

All small business owners, especially those internet based, are concerned about product marketing and how to increase traffic to their web pages in order to increase sales. In addition, most want to not only market their products and increase traffic, but they want to do it affordable or free if at all possible. Fortunately, this is an option for home businesses, and all it takes is a little creativity combined with dedication. Also, for those businesses with advertising budgets, there are even more advertising options available. The following suggestions should help your product marketing plan significantly.

Use ezines and newsletters to get your web page noticed. This might not sound like something you would be skilled at doing, but it can easily be done with a couple hours and some commitment. First, you need to find some ezines and newsletters that target your niche market. Then, write an article that can be submitted to a variety of ezines and online newsletters, just make sure you retainrepparttar copyright. Atrepparttar 147477 end of your article create a resource box that contains your URL and some brief information about your company. Doing this will get your web page out inrepparttar 147478 public quickly and will result in many hits and free product marketing.

Another way to market your products is to create a forum on your web page. By doing this, you are getting individuals to talk about products and services offered by your company as well as competitors and other relevant topics. This alone will help your product assuming you are offering top notch quality and customer service. If not, then a forum might not berepparttar 147479 best idea for you. However, for those that are committed to their customers, forums generally create repeat traffic which is important to making sales. This is important because it has been proven that more than 70% of sales are made afterrepparttar 147480 third, fourth or fifth contact. A forum keeps individuals coming back for more and more contact, which means you will sell more products.

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