Search Engines Are Going to Love You for This.

Written by Ron Hutton

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

What'srepparttar most potent fre traffIc source onrepparttar 143340 web?

*** Search Engines! ***

Surprised? Of course not. Why do so many people concern themselves so deeply with search engine optimization, positioning and ranking?

Inrepparttar 143341 United States,repparttar 143342 follow FOUR search engines handle (*)94% of all search inquiries each and every day.

Google = 35% Yahoo = 28% AOL (powered by Google) = 16% MSN = 15% * Source: comScore Media Metrix

Given this information andrepparttar 143343 fact that 100's of millions of searches are performed every day; wouldn't you want to have your website ranked high enough that it was one ofrepparttar 143344 first sites listed by Google or Yahoo or AOL or MSN? Imaginerepparttar 143345 exposure that you'll receive!

One undisputed fact is that search engines love websites that offer focused content.

If you're publishing a newsletter online, there are a number of things that you can do withrepparttar 143346 articles and content that you create. This article will discuss search engines and their affinity for focused and relative content.

I want to show you a free tool that will help you take articles that you write or other people's articles (with their permission, of course) and very quickly and easily incorporate it into your website.


Written by Annette Thomas

The first step in locatingrepparttar best and most affordable web hosting company for your needs is to hit your favorite search engine and then to start collecting email addresses of hosting firms.

Take a quick look around at what each company offers to determine possible suitability. If their web site doesn't function correctly, it's wise to look elsewhere. Ensure you review their company profile to get a "vibe" about their practices and ethics. Ifrepparttar 143228 company profile only details how good they think they are, run like hell. The rest of your initial enquiries can be handled via email. Letrepparttar 143229 hosting services know that you are approaching a number of companies. You can make this clear by putting allrepparttar 143230 company email addresses inrepparttar 143231 CC field. This strategy will quickly identifyrepparttar 143232 companies who genuinely want your business and also allow you to easily run through an initial cull, saving you valuable hours in research. Not all web hosts are created equal The criteria forrepparttar 143233 first cull is simple - if they don't respond to your enquiry within 24 hours, delete them from your "possibles" list. This also applies if they only send you links to promo material without any personalized message. To really test them out, send your email late on a Saturday night - whereverrepparttar 143234 hosting company is inrepparttar 143235 world, it will berepparttar 143236 weekend. The idea behindrepparttar 143237 24 hour strategy is this - if a company can't respond to pre-sales questions quickly, it may be an indication of what their customer support is like. Also, many web site hosts don't seerepparttar 143238 "big picture". You may be starting out small, but who knows how big you'll become and how many other people you will refer to their service? A forward thinking company recognizes this and communicates appropriately. Don't make it too hard onrepparttar 143239 hosting companies in your email to start off with, you can ask more detailed questions as you reducerepparttar 143240 list of possibilities. . Hosting Service Recommendation: uses a excellent email support service that makes telephone support look positively antiquated. Test it out for yourself and ask them some pre-sales questions! Visit ThinkHost today!

Looking for a new web host? The first step in locatingrepparttar 143241 best and most affordable web hosting company for your needs is to hit your favorite search engine and then to start collecting email addresses of hosting firms.

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