Search Engine Robots - How They Work, What They Do (Part II)

Written by Daria Goetsch

Search Engine Robots - How They Work, What They Do (Part II)

Why Isn't My Website In The Search Engine? If your site isn't found inrepparttar search engines, it is probably becauserepparttar 128008 robots couldn't deal with it. It could be something as simple as not being able to findrepparttar 128009 site, or it may be more complicated issues involvingrepparttar 128010 robot's not being able to crawlrepparttar 128011 site or figure out what your pages are all about.

Submitting your site torepparttar 128012 major search engines: that will help deal withrepparttar 128013 "can't find it" problem. Even having links pointing back to your site can be enough to attractrepparttar 128014 search engine robots. Google, for example, suggests that you may not have to submit your pages; they will find your site if you have a link pointing back to it from at least one other site onrepparttar 128015 web.

Ifrepparttar 128016 robots can find your site but can't make sense of it, then you may need to look atrepparttar 128017 content and technology used on your pages. Frames, Flash, dynamically generated pages, and invalid HTML source code can cause problems whenrepparttar 128018 search engine robot tries to access your web pages. While some search engines are beginning to be able to index dynamically generated pages and Flash (e.g. Google and AllTheWeb), use of some of these technologies can hinder your ability to be indexed byrepparttar 128019 search engine robots.

Text in images cannot be read byrepparttar 128020 search engine robots. Using ALT image text is an important way to helprepparttar 128021 robots "read" your images. Websites with extensive images rely heavily on ALT text to present their content.

How Do I Get The Most Out Of Indexing? If you know what to "feed"repparttar 128022 spidering robots you will help yourself with search engine ranking.

Having a website full of good content isrepparttar 128023 major factor. Search engines exist to serve their visitors, not to rank your website. You need to be sure to present yourself in your site inrepparttar 128024 way that will be most useful torepparttar 128025 search engine visitor. Each search engine has its own idea of what is important in a page, but they all value text highly. Making sure thatrepparttar 128026 text on your pages includes your most important keyword phrases will helprepparttar 128027 search engine evaluaterepparttar 128028 content of those pages.

Making sure that you have good title and meta tags will further assistrepparttar 128029 search engines in understanding what your page is about. Ifrepparttar 128030 text onrepparttar 128031 page is about widgets,repparttar 128032 title is about widgets, andrepparttar 128033 meta tags are about widgets,repparttar 128034 search engine will have a pretty good idea that you are all about widgets. When their visitors search for widgets,repparttar 128035 search engines know to list your site inrepparttar 128036 results.

Newsletter as Search Engine Superhero?

Written by Jessica Albon

Your Newsletter As Search Engine Superhero? By Jessica Albon

Copyright 2003, The Write Exposure

Newsletters are magical things--they can attract customers, increase company profits, establish expertise and much more. But, did you know they can also help you increase your search engine rankings?

Your newsletter can help your search engine ranking by specifically focusing on your keyword phrases. Perhapsrepparttar easiest way to keep each issue of your newsletter relevant to your keyword phrases is to make a list ofrepparttar 128007 phrases you target and brainstorm article ideas for each phrase. Then, as you write each article from your list, try to incorporaterepparttar 128008 keyword phrase intorepparttar 128009 title ofrepparttar 128010 article, and, of course, use it regularly throughout your article (caution: don't overdo it or your article will be awkward to read).

By posting archives of your newsletter on your website, you'll be keeping each targeted issue available to search engine spiders. If you archive issues by subject (using your keyword phrases, of course) instead of date, they're likely to help your rankings even more. Also, when archiving issues, make sure you use a standard HTML link (instead of JavaScript) to help search engines catalog each issue.

Another benefit to posting archives online is that other sites will frequently link to eitherrepparttar 128011 specific issue or your website, telling visitors about your newsletter archives. This can help boost your link popularity (along with bringing you some extra targeted traffic). You can makerepparttar 128012 most of such links by actually suggesting webmasters link to your archives.

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