Search Engine Ranking - 'getting it right from the start'

Written by Carl Hruza

There are many ways that you can improverepparttar probability of achieving higher search engine rankings.

The most effective way is to consider how search engines rank your pages - duringrepparttar 128213 'planning' phase of developing your site.

Most issues that adversely effect search engine ranking are in-built duringrepparttar 128214 design, and are more difficult to remove oncerepparttar 128215 design is complete. Consider that most web design contracts are fulfilled when a site is posted torepparttar 128216 web, looks as intended and is functional. What happens to your site beyond this is notrepparttar 128217 concern ofrepparttar 128218 people who designed your site, their work is complete. So if you are fortunate enough to be atrepparttar 128219 'specification' stage of planning a web site, there are a few simple things that you should do.

Askrepparttar 128220 designer specifically what steps he or she will implement to ensure your site is 'search engine friendly'. If you pre-arm yourself with a little knowledge ofrepparttar 128221 subject, you can easily gauge from their reaction just how well your site will be prepared for search engine submissions. You are not looking for guaranteed top 10 positions at this stage. You are looking for some evidence thatrepparttar 128222 designer understandsrepparttar 128223 basics of how search engines work, how they 'crawl' your pages, and what they do withrepparttar 128224 information that they retrieve. If their reaction does not instill confidence that your site will be designed with consideration towardsrepparttar 128225 search engines, you have one of two choices:- go elsewhere and seekrepparttar 128226 services of a company who can demonstrate reasonable knowledge ofrepparttar 128227 subject, or take it upon yourself to lay downrepparttar 128228 basic guidelines to your designer.

The basic guidelines are:

Include allrepparttar 128229 important Meta tags on each page. Keywords, Description and Title tags should be included as a minimum, and each should be set to focus onrepparttar 128230 content ofrepparttar 128231 specific page, remaining where possible withinrepparttar 128232 'theme' ofrepparttar 128233 site. Add 'robot instruction' tags indicating which pages should be indexed byrepparttar 128234 search engines and which should not. If you have pages that detract fromrepparttar 128235 overall theme ofrepparttar 128236 site, userepparttar 128237 'noindex', 'nofollow' tags. Avoid using 'Meta Refresh' tags that are set to automatically direct repparttar 128238 viewer to another page. If you must use 'refresh' setrepparttar 128239 time to a minimum of 15 seconds. Design a navigation structure that allows search engines to crawlrepparttar 128240 important content pages fromrepparttar 128241 home page. This can be done easily using transparent image files and setting them as hyperlinks. Remember that using Java, Flash software or 'Frames' to facilitate navigation, can often present a 'closed door' to search engines, preventing key areas of your site from being indexed. Userepparttar 128242 alt-attribute and name images descriptively. Some search engines readrepparttar 128243 alt text and it can help, though marginally. Name pages using keywords. Instead of 'page2.html' use 'american-ginseng.html', if your site is about herbal products! If your site uses 'Frames' there are important techniques that go beyondrepparttar 128244 scope of this report. Many search engines cannot navigate throughrepparttar 128245 Framed section of a site, unlessrepparttar 128246 Frames are prepared in a specific way. As a minimum, ensure your designer includes a detailed description about your business, products or services onrepparttar 128247 'noframes' page, and ask them to research more specific information about Frames and search engines. Ifrepparttar 128248 site is designed using dynamic content pages as with ASP, consider designing additional pages that use static HTML. Having an 'about us' page in HTML is always a good strategy when using dynamic content pages or 'active server pages'.

Search Engine Specialists? Maybe, Maybe Not!

Written by Chris Small

We've all seenrepparttar ads for Search Engine placement services or training courses on how to get a top 20 listing for your site. They tease and tantalize with very logical sounding theory. We read of how their research has turned up some startling new revelations about a new Search Engine algorithm . Some of them will even post testimonials from previous clients telling how well their site fared after getting a top placement from xyzplacements. Blah, blah, blah....

There is only one criteria that will prove their claims.

That isrepparttar 128212 CURRENT ranking of their own website inrepparttar 128213 various Search Engines.

There is a lot to learn onrepparttar 128214 subject. Each engine treats their rankings differently. Just because your page lists high on one Search Engine doesn't mean that it will get a good listing on a different one. In fact, quiterepparttar 128215 contrary. A Webmaster can't possibly keep up withrepparttar 128216 unending changes torepparttar 128217 ranking wars all by themselves. The services of skilled and knowledgeable Search Engine specialists have never been more important.

Just a few days ago I read what looked like a very well researched and informative article about Search Engine placements. I was excited! Finally, someone who knew whatrepparttar 128218 heck they were talking about. Of course I immediately went to her site and found even more compelling copy. WOW! Where do I sign? For only $75 I can get an 84 page report that shows me how to properly prepare my site for top 20 listings.

I was just about to placerepparttar 128219 order when a thought occurred to me. Inrepparttar 128220 article, this author talked a lot about link popularity, having other sites link back to yours. Hmmmm, might be worth a little trip torepparttar 128221 AddMe site popularity service

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