Search Engine Optimization: Get the Low-down

Written by Dina Giolitto,

Been hearingrepparttar words Search Engine Optimization lately? I know I have. But what is it, you wonder? Well, that's what I'm here to talk to you about.

Search Engine Optimization is a type of pull marketing that uses keywords to boost your search engine rank. What's pull marketing? It's what you might call passive, or viral marketing, where instead of aggressively seeking out your customer, you position yourself someplace where they can find you. The most likely place where you might be found isrepparttar 142226 first place they'll look:repparttar 142227 search engine listings. You know: Google, Yahoo, Dogpile... those guys! But how do you jockey forrepparttar 142228 best placement? Read on for some helpful tips and tricks.

1. Optimize Your Articles

Article marketing is one ofrepparttar 142229 newest and hottest ways to boost your search engine rank. To check out SEO article marketing in action, go to Sign up as a member, and start writing and submitting articles that other web marketers will "receive" via an RSS article feed, and promote on their own websites. With every article you write, a link to your personal website is included.

Why does this work to boost your search engine rank? Well, if you add keywords to your web article titles and text, people who type those same keywords into search engines will find your articles before they locate those of another person who wrote aboutrepparttar 142230 same topic but didn't use popular keywords.

For prime search engine optimization, your article headline should include keywords inrepparttar 142231 BEGINNING (the first 2-4 words- not atrepparttar 142232 end.) You can find out which keywords are most often typed into Google and other search engines by entering each keyword intorepparttar 142233 Overture Keyword Selector Tool. Want to know more? Paste inrepparttar 142234 link below for a crash-course in Keyword Article Writing.!&id=21236

2. Optimize Your Website

Not everyone knows aboutrepparttar 142235 advantages to making your website keyword-rich. But if YOU know, then that means you're one-up onrepparttar 142236 next person! So many folks use copy/paste web design programs, paying no mind to title and header creation. As a result, their websites may look pretty, but they're not primed for top ofrepparttar 142237 search index. When designing yours, incorporaterepparttar 142238 most frequently used keywords intorepparttar 142239 HTML title tags. If you do this, web crawlers will be able to 'find' you through your keywords and secure you a pretty sweet location inrepparttar 142240 search engine rankings.

Google's PR Explained

Written by Claude Beavers

An Introduction to PR

The complexities of Google's PR (Page Ranking) System have grown more difficult to understand sincerepparttar Hilltop Algorithm was introduced. This beginner's guide torepparttar 142190 PR system explainsrepparttar 142191 basics of what PR is, what it does, and how it affects your site's rankings. This revolutionary search algorithm has made it to whererepparttar 142192 most relevant and popular sites withrepparttar 142193 best content dorepparttar 142194 best on Google's search page. Keep in mind, this algorithm is kept secret by Google for fear of it being exploited, butrepparttar 142195 basics have been released for study.

In a nutshell, Google's Page Ranking is a system devised to rank pages based on their content and popularity and place them accordingly withinrepparttar 142196 search results based on their relevance torepparttar 142197 general topic. Or, in laymen's terms, it's a system to make sure sites are put where they need to be, both in search results and in rankings. A site dealing with pet care is not going to be listed inrepparttar 142198 top 10 when searching for "web design," but depending on its content and popularity it could be well towardsrepparttar 142199 top ofrepparttar 142200 list on "pet medicine" or "sick dog."

PR is on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 beingrepparttar 142201 highest ranking possible. Of course, only a very few sites have a PR 10 or even a PR 9 for that matter. PR 7 and PR 8 sites are considered very good sites, with lots of original, relevant content and a great deal of inbound links. You will usually find sites with a high PR atrepparttar 142202 top ofrepparttar 142203 list under Google's search engine, and many others, since relevant content and lots of links is almost a prerequisite for being placed high in any ofrepparttar 142204 major search engines on any ofrepparttar 142205 major keywords.

PR Spread

PR is set up to "pass on" from one site to another, or one page to another if it is within your own site. Asrepparttar 142206 PR "spreads" throughout your site, you will get less and less utility from it. A link from a PR 5 site to your main page will give you a PR 4 link to your main page. Since your main page will be linked to other pages within your site, any links on your front page (up to 100 pages) will then receive a PR 3 link from your main page. It continues to trickle down, exponentially losing power until it peters out.

Keep in mind, however, that depending on what page linked to you, and how many links were on that page inrepparttar 142207 first place, your PR could be significantly lower than expected. If a PR 5 page links to your site, but has 300 other links on that single page, you may get anywhere from 0 to 4 PR. Thus it is beneficial to have a limited number of links on your main pages, due torepparttar 142208 smaller amount of PR being passed down withrepparttar 142209 more links it is being passed to. Overall, a small, concise site with lots of inbound links and few outbound links would berepparttar 142210 ideal "PR trap," although relevant, original content is needed as well.

PR's Effect on Rankings

The effects of PR are plainly viewable to anybody withrepparttar 142211 Google Toolbar. Simply search for a keyword, and look atrepparttar 142212 PR rating ofrepparttar 142213 top 10 sites. The highest PR will usually be onrepparttar 142214 top ofrepparttar 142215 list, depending on content. If a PR 8, however, has a keyword that does not match their content, they will most likely be ranked lower than a PR 6 onrepparttar 142216 same keyword with more relevant content onrepparttar 142217 subject matter. A site with high, relevant, and original content, along with matching keywords and a multitude of links from related sites, will place extremely high on searches containing their keywords. A site with old content that is not updated often with links from non-related sites and keywords that do not relate directly to their content, onrepparttar 142218 other hand will probably not show up withinrepparttar 142219 top 100 sites onrepparttar 142220 same search.

So basically, PR is what drives listings onrepparttar 142221 Google Search Engine. How to optimize your site to take advantage of this system, however isrepparttar 142222 real challenge.

Utilizing PR

To make proper use ofrepparttar 142223 PR system, many different things must be done to assure your website is "acceptable" within their guidelines. Basically, making your site more relevant to your topic will have a great effect on your PR ranking, especially if you are "popular" among those sites, or have many links coming from related sites. Each site onrepparttar 142224 internet has a Page Rank, assigned by Google, based on their content and popularity. To viewrepparttar 142225 page rank of each site, downloadrepparttar 142226 Google Toolbar from their site. It will automatically show yourepparttar 142227 rank ofrepparttar 142228 page you're on with a small counter on your task bar.

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