Search Engine Marketing Hype Killing Small Businesses

Written by Jack Humphrey

Copyright 2005 Jack Humphrey

Think aboutrepparttar first thing you ever heard about “marketing a website” onrepparttar 143341 web. 99% ofrepparttar 143342 timerepparttar 143343 first words anyone ever hears are “search engine marketing.” Or some semblance ofrepparttar 143344 phrase.

And from that point on,repparttar 143345 hammering of misinformation never lets up. You are led to believe that your business will die a terrible death withoutrepparttar 143346 search engines. You are led to believe that only people who can guide you throughrepparttar 143347 mine field of search engine optimization arerepparttar 143348 SEO “experts.”

Also you are told time and again thatrepparttar 143349 only way to market online PERIOD is throughrepparttar 143350 search engines. You are conditioned over time to focus most, if not all, of your efforts on trickingrepparttar 143351 search engines into liking your site above all your competitors for search terms where “there can be only one.”

Well, here’s a wake up call: The vast majority of small business startups will never haverepparttar 143352 resources, time, or know-how to turn an idea into a profitable online business focusing only on search engines.

Just look atrepparttar 143353 deluge of information there is out there on Google and how to rank well with them. People are picking apart their ranking patent application right now to try an glean a website promotion strategy based upon what Google reveals in their application about their ranking system.

Is this information valuable to a small business wanting to sell its wares to a whole market rather than justrepparttar 143354 part of that market which uses one ofrepparttar 143355 big search engines?

It is in extreme moderation, yes. In a well balanced marketing campaign that focuses on many ways to bring in targeted traffic, search engine marketing has its place. You do what you can, and you move on to allrepparttar 143356 other ways there are to promote your business.

Yet, so many people are falling victim torepparttar 143357 gleam and glitter of search engine riches being pushed on them by SEO firms and people selling search engine how-to manuals.

It is not long before a new business finds itself wrapped up in a game whererepparttar 143358 only winners arerepparttar 143359 geeks and deep pockets.

If you do not fall into either of those categories, your business is doomed fromrepparttar 143360 start if you hop right offrepparttar 143361 porch to play with those big dogs.

“But I hired a ‘big dog’ SEO firm to make my business stand out and compete withrepparttar 143362 geeks in my market niche.”

More power to you. In actuality, unfortunately, you probably just hired a teenager from India with an internet connection in his parents’ house. Most small business start ups cannot come close to affording a major SEO firm. They charge corporate-level premiums to be able to access their services.

Search Engines Are Going to Love You for This.

Written by Ron Hutton

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

What'srepparttar most potent fre traffIc source onrepparttar 143340 web?

*** Search Engines! ***

Surprised? Of course not. Why do so many people concern themselves so deeply with search engine optimization, positioning and ranking?

Inrepparttar 143341 United States,repparttar 143342 follow FOUR search engines handle (*)94% of all search inquiries each and every day.

Google = 35% Yahoo = 28% AOL (powered by Google) = 16% MSN = 15% * Source: comScore Media Metrix

Given this information andrepparttar 143343 fact that 100's of millions of searches are performed every day; wouldn't you want to have your website ranked high enough that it was one ofrepparttar 143344 first sites listed by Google or Yahoo or AOL or MSN? Imaginerepparttar 143345 exposure that you'll receive!

One undisputed fact is that search engines love websites that offer focused content.

If you're publishing a newsletter online, there are a number of things that you can do withrepparttar 143346 articles and content that you create. This article will discuss search engines and their affinity for focused and relative content.

I want to show you a free tool that will help you take articles that you write or other people's articles (with their permission, of course) and very quickly and easily incorporate it into your website.

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