Saving Money With Coupons

Written by Diana Cassen

Coupons Can Save You money If used correctly coupons can save you a lot of money on your grocery bill. It's quite easy to get hooked on clipping coupons and getting used to big savings. I first got hooked on coupon savings a few years ago, I saw a coupon for Tide and since it wasrepparttar only detergent that my baby atrepparttar 110267 time was not allergic too and they had a sale at our local grocery store and I saved 50 cents, and I was hooked. Now I clip coupons and save an average of about 40% off of our food budget thru careful shopping and watching allrepparttar 110268 sales every week. I am not loyal to any particular brands, most ofrepparttar 110269 time I just buy repparttar 110270 no-name or store brand for most things since it isrepparttar 110271 least expensive, but a lot ofrepparttar 110272 time a good sale and a few coupons and I get a great deal. I find most of my coupons inrepparttar 110273 paper, some thru free surveys I have filled out, a ton of free coupons that I print offrepparttar 110274 internet, and quite a few from friends who think I am off my rocker but indulge me anyway.:-) You can also get great coupons by callingrepparttar 110275 1800 number listed onrepparttar 110276 back of your favorite products, I have gotten a number of great $2.00 off coupons that way. If I also truly like a product I will emailrepparttar 110277 company and let them know that I was satisfied with their product and most ofrepparttar 110278 time they send out a coupon. I keep all my coupons organized in a coupon box of sorts, divided by index cards and sorted by food, bathroom items. cleaners, dog food etc. A good friend of mine sorts hers by expiry dates but she has a fantastic memory forrepparttar 110279 amount of coupons she has and I have yet to duplicate her methods.

Twins Pregnancy…A Father’s Point of View

Written by Dan Brunkow

So you’re expecting twins. Congratulations!

Are you still in shock? I sure was. The thought of bringing two babies intorepparttar world at one time scaredrepparttar 110266 heck out of me, especially since I was alreadyrepparttar 110267 father of two boys (ages five and three). I remembered how much workrepparttar 110268 first year was with both of them, with all ofrepparttar 110269 diapers,repparttar 110270 bottles,repparttar 110271 sleepless nights, etc… I wondered how inrepparttar 110272 world we were going to do it with two babies? I immediately started stressing out about all of things that we were going to go through oncerepparttar 110273 babies were born. Little did I know atrepparttar 110274 time thatrepparttar 110275 most stressful part of having twins was already upon us…the pregnancy.

I did not know atrepparttar 110276 time that a twin pregnancy is not at all like a single pregnancy. With our first two pregnancies, it was relatively low impact for me (I know, all ofrepparttar 110277 women reading this are rolling their eyes, especially my wife). But to my wife’s credit, it’s true. I figured I had about eight months to play as much golf as I could beforerepparttar 110278 birth ofrepparttar 110279 twins, and that’s when I would really have to become involved. After all, my work was already done forrepparttar 110280 time being, right? Boy, was I wrong!

There are many things that happened duringrepparttar 110281 pregnancy that surprised me, or that no one told me about. I’d like to tell you about some of those things here, so maybe you’ll be a little more prepared for what happens during a twin pregnancy than I was.

First, pre-term labor is fairly common in a twin pregnancy. I didn’t even know what pre-term labor was until it happened to my wife. This was definitelyrepparttar 110282 most stressful thing aboutrepparttar 110283 pregnancy, and it’s something that I don’t remember anyone warning me about. Maybe my wife mentioned it to me, but you know how it is, there was probably a ball game or something. My wife went to a routine check-up at aboutrepparttar 110284 25th week of pregnancy. After being gone for an abnormally long time, she phoned me fromrepparttar 110285 hospital and told me that they were keeping her overnight because she was having contractions. What a shock! I couldn’t understand how that could be so early inrepparttar 110286 pregnancy. The babies were less than 3 lbs. each atrepparttar 110287 time, so we were both extremely worried. They wound up giving her medication to stop labor and kept her inrepparttar 110288 hospital for a couple of days. This wasrepparttar 110289 first of four trips torepparttar 110290 hospital to stop labor. The good news was thatrepparttar 110291 medication that they gave her successfully stoppedrepparttar 110292 contractions each time, and she was able to carryrepparttar 110293 twins past 36 weeks.

Second, prepare for bed rest. My wife wound up going on bed rest for aboutrepparttar 110294 last four weeks ofrepparttar 110295 pregnancy. This is a very common occurrence for a twin pregnancy, so you need to prepare yourselves for it. We were fairly lucky because my wife was a stay at home mother, so we did not have to worry about her taking time off from her job. We were also very fortunate that my mother-in-law was able to come and stay with us during that time to help with our two boys and to help out aroundrepparttar 110296 house. I’m not sure what we would have done without her. My advice is to recruit family and friends if you can to help out. But however you do it, take bed rest very seriously. Make sure you’re wife stays off of her feet. There’s a good reason why many mothers of twins are put on bed rest by their doctor, and that’s so she doesn’t go into labor too early. You want your wife to carry those babies as long as she can forrepparttar 110297 health of your twins. Oh, and needless to say, golf was just not an option while my wife was on bed rest.

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