Saving Ginger From Being Put To Sleep...

Written by Gary Nugent

6 rotten teeth - this accounted forrepparttar bad breath. The vet noticed that Ginger's face was slightly asymmetrical. Apparently,repparttar 125653 infection fromrepparttar 125654 rotting teeth had travelled up through his face and probably infected his right cheek bone. The infection had also backed up intorepparttar 125655 sinuses and had caused a partial blockage of his tear ducts which prevented his eyes from draining properly and led torepparttar 125656 bleary-eyed look. repparttar 125657 remnants of cat flu - apparentlyrepparttar 125658 virus can stay inrepparttar 125659 system for a while causing persistent weeping fromrepparttar 125660 eyes and/or nose. In his weakened state fromrepparttar 125661 infected teeth, he might not have been able to fight offrepparttar 125662 infection completely. a septic cut below his lower lip - again, this probably didn't clear up due torepparttar 125663 other infections he was fighting off. Ear infections Fleas A skin allergy A heart murmur - while a murmur was detected, his heart is strong and no other problems were detected The possibility of an immune deficiency disease which might have contributed to his inability to get well.

Why Help Was Needed

Antibiotics were prescribed to curerepparttar 125664 infections and a flea treatment was given to kill offrepparttar 125665 fleas. The big problem wasrepparttar 125666 teeth. Ginger needed 6 extractions and follow-up care. He also needed to be tested for immune deficiency diseases and feline leukaemia. And a new home needed to be found for him.

I coveredrepparttar 125667 cost ofrepparttar 125668 examination and antibiotics but couldn’t coverrepparttar 125669 cost ofrepparttar 125670 dental treatment and tests. His original owners weren't interested in helping out.

The vet wasn't happy that his owners had let him get into his deteriorated state. He told me that Ginger was very uncomfortable (not surprising with six simultaneous toothaches) and recommended two courses of action:

find someone who would take long-term responsibility for Ginger; have him tested for immune deficiency disease and feline leukaemia and if he was clear, haverepparttar 125671 six teeth extracted. If he had either ofrepparttar 125672 two diseases, Ginger could not go to a home where cats already lived as he'd passrepparttar 125673 disease on to them. He could have gone to a cat-free home though putrepparttar 125674 cat to sleep and end his misery.

I didn't like option two and, if it was to be an option, it was going to berepparttar 125675 one of last resort. This was a cat who'd had a miserable year and, despiterepparttar 125676 pain and suffering he'd endured and was still enduring, remained friendly and unaggressive. This gentle soul needed to haverepparttar 125677 opportunity to survive and have an enjoyable few years of life.

The Request

I asked visitors to my website to help me help Ginger survive with donations (through PayPal) to coverrepparttar 125678 medical bills. Finding a new home for him wasrepparttar 125679 least ofrepparttar 125680 problems and, I must admit, I was taken aback byrepparttar 125681 generosity shown.

Followingrepparttar 125682 first of many visits torepparttar 125683 vet, Ginger underwent a 2-week course of antibiotics to clear uprepparttar 125684 remnants of cat flu and to controlrepparttar 125685 infection that resulted from his decaying teeth. And he responded very well. He started grooming properly again and all ofrepparttar 125686 matted hair around his rump was replaced by sleek smooth hair. His coat was again shiny and well looked after rather than being matted and dull, lifeless and unclean. The skin allergy was also addressed byrepparttar 125687 antibiotics andrepparttar 125688 fleas killed off with a flea control treatment. The antibiotics also cleared uprepparttar 125689 septic lip althoughrepparttar 125690 lip appears to be slightly damaged fromrepparttar 125691 prolonged sepsis. As a result, he dribbles a bit! He's also now interested in playing - savaging bird feathers is his current fun activity.

I'm Allergic To My Cat!

Written by Gary Nugent

Having a cat allergy came as something of a surprise to me. Growing up, I had many pets - cats, dogs and birds. My family were animal lovers and pets abounded, so being in contact with animals was a daily occurance. No one ever seemed to suffer from a cat allergy or any kind of animal allergy for that matter.

After my teens and my last pet had died, I wasn't in a position to take on another pet for many years. Then, eleven years ago, a friend of a cousin was looking for a home for their last remaining kitten. And so it was that Kira came into my life. This was a cat with attitude (and still is!) and we bonded pretty much immediately. While she was still a kitten, I'd put her inrepparttar kitchen overnight with a little cat bed to sleep in andrepparttar 125652 litter box close by.

As she grew older, I started letting her sleep inrepparttar 125653 bedroom. It's surprising how relaxing a cat's purring can be in wee small hours.

A little over a year later, when down withrepparttar 125654 vet getting some supplies, I heard that there was a kitten that needed a home or it would have to be put to sleep. And so, Fritz came home with me that day.

Unfortuately, Kira was less than impressed with this interloper and I had to keeprepparttar 125655 two separated for several days before an uneasy truce ensued.

They're an odd pair - Kira has attitude, Fritz is much more companionable; what you'd call a "gentle soul". She's stillrepparttar 125656 Queen aroundrepparttar 125657 house and occasionally puts Fritz in his place with a right-hook torepparttar 125658 face when she feelsrepparttar 125659 need to assert her authority.

As Fritz matured, he also was allowed intorepparttar 125660 bedroom. Both he and Kira would sleep there duringrepparttar 125661 day and night, as was their want.

We all know that cats arerepparttar 125662 greatest creature-comfort-seeking animals onrepparttar 125663 planet and a comfy place to catnap is one of their major concerns. Butrepparttar 125664 place your cat chooses to snooze may not be your first choice. While I didn't mindrepparttar 125665 cats sleeping onrepparttar 125666 bed, I did take exception to Fritz's tendency to charge in fromrepparttar 125667 garden and sleep in a basket of warm, freshly dried laundry straight fromrepparttar 125668 dryer.

The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine recently conducted a poll of pet-owners onrepparttar 125669 sleeping habits of their pets and found that 60% of them sleep in bed with one ofrepparttar 125670 family. Where cats are concerned, there are two potential problems here: one is that, somehow, they manage to take up 90% ofrepparttar 125671 bed andrepparttar 125672 other has to do with allergies.

I found I had a mild cat allergy when I started producing weird wheezing noises any time I was doing something strenuous. Coughing eased it for a few minutes but it would always return. I figured I’d developed a mild form of asthma, probably due to bad air quality and pollution, so I went torepparttar 125673 doctor to have it checked out. After listening to my lungs he asked me one question: "Do you have a cat?"

Well, yes, I did. Two in fact.

"You’re allergic to your cats", he intoned.

Then he asked ifrepparttar 125674 cats slept inrepparttar 125675 bedroom. Of course they did.

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