Salt of the Earth

Written by Susan Rutter

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"Salt ofrepparttar 113268 Earth!"

By Susan Rutter

©2002 Healthy YOUbbies

Saltiness is one of our fundamental aspects of taste, along withrepparttar 113269 ability to determine if foods are sweet, sour or bitter. The perception of salt is highly personal, based onrepparttar 113270 salt content of one's saliva and how much you're used to using. This influences how you season your cooking and food atrepparttar 113271 table. Add salt in small amounts as you cook since an oversalted dish is difficult to correct. If oversalting does occur, adding a peeled,quartered potato to a soup or stew will absorb some excess salt, or adding more water, bland starches or vegetables will absorb and increaserepparttar 113272 volume ofrepparttar 113273 oversalted dish. In less saucy dishes, a splash of lemon juice, vinegar or wine can help balance too much salt. Use of Salt: ------------ Salt has many other functions in cooking other than seasoning. It is a natural preservative that inhibitsrepparttar 113274 growth of preserve foods such as cod, and, inrepparttar 113275 past, bacon and salt pork. Salt is added to butter and cheese to prolong their refrigerated shelf life as well as for flavours. In yeast breads, salt controlsrepparttar 113276 growth ofrepparttar 113277 yeast, slowingrepparttar 113278 rising time and also adds structure torepparttar 113279 dough by strengtheningrepparttar 113280 protein in flour called gluten. Salt is also useful for pickling, helping to create an environment in which harmful bacteria are unable to live. Salt i often used to draw out bitter juices form eggplant and excess moisture from cucumbers. Added to water in which vegetables are boiled, salt improves flavour and raisesrepparttar 113281 boiling point of water slightly, enablingrepparttar 113282 vegetables to cook a little quicker. Used this way, salt also helps to retainrepparttar 113283 colour and nutritive value of vegetables. Since salt can also lowerrepparttar 113284 freezing point of water, it is added torepparttar 113285 ice packed around ice cream freezers so thatrepparttar 113286 ice remains frozen long enough to setrepparttar 113287 ice cream. Salt Types: --------------- Table: A fine-grained salt that contains an anti-caking agent (to prevent clumping) and iodine. Iodine has been added to table salt sincerepparttar 113288 1920s to supplement iodine-deficient diets and reducerepparttar 113289 incidence of thyroid gland abnormalities such as goitre. Table salt disperses easily in dry ingredients, making it suitable for baking recipes. Kosher Salt: A refined salt that is coarser than table salt. It contains no additives and is often preferred for its fresher flavour and texture. It is easy to pinch and sprinkle, yet it dissolves quickly. Coarse or Pickling Salt: While coarser than kosher salt, like kosher salt it does not have any additive that might cloud pickles. This salt can also be used for cooking and baking. Rock Salt: A coarse-grained, non-edible salt used with ice to pack aroundrepparttar 113290 outside of an ice cream freezer to speedrepparttar 113291 rate of freezing. Sea Salt: Obtained fromrepparttar 113292 sea, it is sold in a


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