S.M.A.R.T Goals @ Body Perfect Fitness and Health

Written by Robert Adams

S- Specific- Please make sure you know exactly what you are trying to accomplish. Lose 20 pounds, Get body fat % to 16%, etc.

M- Measurable- How are you going to track it. A scale, a tape measure, or a special instrument. Also keep in mind how often as well. Daily, weekly,etc.

A- Acceptable- Does it make sense?

R- Realistic- Can you reach this goal inrepparttar time you set inrepparttar 112924 amount you want. Like losing 20 pounds in a week. Don't set yourself up for failure.

T- Timed- Put it on your calendar. How long is it going to take you. Make sure you do not put to short of a time line on this one either.

So remember keep it S.M.A.R.T and keep it in print, and keep it close and in constant sight and your odds are bound to improve.

Body Perfect Fitness- The most comprehensive fitness and health resource online, dedicated to helping improve everyone’s overall
Body Perfect Fitness and Health!!

Body Perfect Training Tips

Written by Robert Adams

Here are some ofrepparttar important fundamentals of any weight training and overall exercise program that you need to remember when you are focused on developing a Body Perfect Fitness and Health program.

Safety First- any weight training has some risk associated with it if you do not practice safe procedures. The following guidelines will help you stay safe and stay free from injury.

Warm up and Cool Down- it is very important to getrepparttar 112923 muscles prepared for your work out by gettingrepparttar 112924 blood flowing and raising your body temperature which in turn helps your oxygen flow to all of your muscles. It gets you revved up for a great work out and also helps reduce injury.

Focus on Form and Proper Technique- I watch so many people inrepparttar 112925 gym everyday that are not usingrepparttar 112926 correct form or technique that easily could lead to severe injury. Think Slow and Smooth. Only lift what you are comfortable with and never every sacrifice good technique for trying to muscle a weight that is too heavy for you. More weight doesn't mean more strength and success. If your form and technique is no good then you are wasting each rep and not gettingrepparttar 112927 true benefit from it. Keep away from momentum pushes from your body, or arching ofrepparttar 112928 back or jerking your head forward in a upward lifting movement. Remember Slow, Smooth and Realistic.

What you should DO-

Wear proper shoes that provide grip Keep your back straight and stomach tight Always ask for help in spotting for heavy lifts and communicate withrepparttar 112929 spotter exactly how many reps and when you need help. Be aware inrepparttar 112930 weight room and carry weights with care and properly

What you shouldn't DO-

If you feel pain at any time STOP!!!! Lift only what you feel comfortable with that you can handle with a smooth and non jerky motion with an minimum of 8-12 reps.

BREATH!!!!- Do not hold your breath.. Remember to breath out onrepparttar 112931 concentric or muscle shortening phase and breath in onrepparttar 112932 stretching or eccentric phase. Focus on squeezingrepparttar 112933 muscle.

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