Written by Irvin L. Rozier

I've fought many a battle while serving my Lord Faith has been my shield andrepparttar Word my sword Satan has come against me in so many ways Oftenrepparttar 126433 battle has lasted for days and days

Fear not I am with thee saidrepparttar 126434 Lord to me Be strong inrepparttar 126435 battle and I will bring victory Though I grow weary these words ring in my ears Gives me encouragement and wipes away my fears

Right before deliverance and breakthrough Satan will do his best to destroy me and you By sending his wicked fiery darts To pierce and destroy many hearts

But prayer torepparttar 126436 Lord will avail And give deliverance from evil Satan's hell The Lord is strong inrepparttar 126437 midst of turmoil The wiles ofrepparttar 126438 devil he will foil

The Origin of Religions

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

The Troodos Mountains in Cyprus once hadrepparttar name Mt. Olympus in reference to them. This caused me to wonder about howrepparttar 126432 only source of copper in pre-smelting ages might have been protected. Yes, gods create all manner of fears and stupid responses as any observer ofrepparttar 126433 Holy Land should know. Unfortunately most people follow some amount ofrepparttar 126434 propaganda in these religions and myths to this present day. That does not mean that you cannot find great insight and science in books likerepparttar 126435 Bible.

When float copper with adequate purity to hammer into a tool (I believe this is whyrepparttar 126436 Romans calledrepparttar 126437 Kelts byrepparttar 126438 term ‘celt’ as they began turningrepparttar 126439 Irish and other Kelts into ‘hammered tools’.) was only available torepparttar 126440 people ofrepparttar 126441 Mediterranean on this one island in pre-glacial times or beforerepparttar 126442 Ice Age beforerepparttar 126443 last one, there was a great secret. This secret had a value of immense proportions inrepparttar 126444 era beforerepparttar 126445 white man came to bless this earth with allrepparttar 126446 wars and intrigues. It enabled better hunters and farmers and greater abilities in many areas ofrepparttar 126447 arts includingrepparttar 126448 fashioning of other rocks.

Clearlyrepparttar 126449 protection that myths of gods on this island whichrepparttar 126450 Phoenicians made intorepparttar 126451 Greek Pantheon much later, had an important purpose. But Cyprus had a limited supply of float ore and even when deep mining began with improved engineering around 50,000 years ago. Man was not some stupid barbarian as some would have us believe today. Man was very much more able to attune to minerals and plants. This is whyrepparttar 126452 Neanderthals had refined drugs we can date to 90,000 years ago and which began far earlier than that. By shamanic attunement torepparttar 126453 intelligence inrepparttar 126454 plant an adept will be able to make drugs that modern chemists still have to rip off or they would take centuries of trial and error to equal. Shaman Corporation in San Francisco isrepparttar 126455 only drug manufacturer that paysrepparttar 126456 shamans a portion ofrepparttar 126457 profits today.

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