SPIDER JONES: Heavyweight Champion of Inspiration

Written by Mike Parker - www.employmentnews.com

SPIDER JONES: Heavyweight Champion of Inspiration

By Mike Parker – www.employmentnews.com

Young Charles ‘Spider’ Jones was a boy with a dream. He wanted to be like his idol, Alan Freed,repparttar disc jockey credited with coiningrepparttar 128824 phrase ‘Rock & Roll’. Spider was out-going, friendly, and optimistic, possessingrepparttar 128825 desire to achieve his goal. Then he was hit by racism.

In school, racist attacks became an everyday occurrence. Spider’s confidence evaporated and his self-esteem plummeted. Spider gave up and dropped out of school. For years, Spider lived onrepparttar 128826 streets of Detroit running with a gang. He scrapped, stole, and was on a dead-end course that landed him in jail.

As he got older, Spider channelled his street smarts into boxing, ultimately winning three Golden Glove Championships. After boxing, he tried his hand at a variety of jobs, but learned quickly that he was once again stuck in a dead-end situation.

“When you haven’t got an education, employers will exploit you,” says Spider. “I decided that if I ever wanted to achieve my dream and provide a better life for my family, I had to getrepparttar 128827 education and skills.”

His boyhood dream was once again alive. At age 30, living in Toronto with his wife and four kids, Spider quit working and went back to school. Attending Seneca College, Spider encountered a whole new set of challenges. “It was frightening. Here I was, 30 years of age with a ton of street and ring smarts, and I was in classrooms with 19 year olds.”

The low self-esteem that had plagued Spider all his life returned, and he began to have doubts in his ability to finish school. “If it wasn’t forrepparttar 128828 support of professors and counsellors, I would not have made it torepparttar 128829 end.” Spider credits Alvin Curling, (current Speaker ofrepparttar 128830 Legislative Assembly of Ontario) thenrepparttar 128831 head of Student Services, for “believing in me and giving me reason to carry on.” Spider went on to earn two degrees in broadcasting.

Right Versus Wrong

Written by Sonia Choquette

As you begin to tune intorepparttar world of energy, there are times when you may experience what appear to be false alarms. For example you may have a worrisome feeling and yet it turns out that everything is just fine. Does that mean that your intuition isn't reliable.

Not necessarily. When it comes to intuition, being .right. shouldn't be your absolute goal. Especially when you just beginning to become more sensitive to energy. Accurately picking up on energy is a refined skill that develops with lots of practice and lots of errors if you are to become good at it. And besides, if you pick up troubling vibes, you may tuning into a precarious moment where real danger or imbalance does exist ,butrepparttar 128822 situation may right itself somehow before it becomes evolves into a real problem. After all energy is not fixed, but always in a state of motion.

A client of mine told me about her experience with her daughter. Janice,repparttar 128823 very intuitive and aware mother of a 17-year-old daughter named Lisa, offered to chaperone Lisa and her girlfriends on a spring break trip to Cancun. Wanting to give her daughter .space. while still being present, Janice stayed in a separate room duringrepparttar 128824 five days they would be there. One morning, Lisa told her mother that she and her friends were going torepparttar 128825 beach, and they agreed to meet at 5:00 for dinner. All day long Janice had a terrible feeling around her daughter's vibration. She felt that her daughter was not okay. This feeling fluctuated from mild worry to moments of real psychic upset. .What s going on with Lisa?. she asked herself, certain something was off. Finally she calmed down, surrounded Lisa with white light and graduallyrepparttar 128826 anxiety passed.

Finally 5:00 rolled around and Janice called her daughter's room." Lisa's inrepparttar 128827 shower,. said Chris, one of Lisa's roommates. .Hold on, I'll see if she's out..

While she was waiting, Janice could hearrepparttar 128828 girls talking. and overheard Chris say, .Thank God I stopped Lisa from having sex onrepparttar 128829 beach today!. Janice almost droppedrepparttar 128830 phone. .No wonder I was so upset!. Janice thought. .What was Lisa thinking? What wererepparttar 128831 girls up to?" A moment later Lisa picked uprepparttar 128832 phone. .Hi, Mom!. she said, sounding like her usual cheerful self.

"Lisa," Janice said containing her righteous indignation and alarm. "I need to talk to you! Please come up to my room right now... Lisa strolled into Janice's room a few minutes later and sat down. Unable to restrain herself any longer, Janice blurted out, .Lisa, I overheard Chris say that she stopped you from having sex onrepparttar 128833 beach! Now what on earth were you doing?.

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