Written by Janelle Coulton


A Tribute torepparttar Late, Great George Harrison

Some musicians might say thatrepparttar 109759 song Something was one ofrepparttar 109760 greatest love ballads written inrepparttar 109761 past fifty years; in-fact Frank Sinatra, who was no fan of rock and roll said those exact words. One ofrepparttar 109762 most powerful love songs in music history, so simple, yet tender and emotive. It is absolutely fitting that this song was written by a former Beatle,repparttar 109763 late, great George Harrison. Most Beatles fans will never forgetrepparttar 109764 day they heard about his death and George Harrison’s untimely, tragic passing on at only fifty-eight years of age has left fans feeling deep sadness, a huge sense of loss and a determination to hang on to those vivid memories ofrepparttar 109765 glory days. The magical memories of Harrison’s Beatles days and his subsequent career thereafter will be withrepparttar 109766 fans forever as willrepparttar 109767 precious gift of his music. The song Something was probably his best work, along with Here Comesrepparttar 109768 Sun, While my Guitar Gently Weeps, and My Sweet Lord. All remarkable, influential, artistic and thought provoking songs. ‘Typically George,’ some might say. John Lennon was even quoted as saying that Something wasrepparttar 109769 best track onrepparttar 109770 album Abbey Road.

George Harrison was portrayed asrepparttar 109771 quiet, enigmatic Beatle. What is it they say aboutrepparttar 109772 quiet ones? George Harrison was an extremely remarkable person, who lived ‘a charmed life.’ He was part ofrepparttar 109773 biggest, most popular bands in music history. His music can be described as very spiritual, uplifting and moving, not as romantic and hearfelt like some of McCartney’s ballads. Just different, exceptional in it’s own way.

McCartney and Lennon would have to berepparttar 109774 two most talented singer/song writers this world has ever seen and there is little doubt that we will never witness talents like theirs again. Ofrepparttar 109775 four Beatles, they were so different in their style of musical ability and personality. Paul McCartney,repparttar 109776 romanticist, John Lennonrepparttar 109777 peace-maker,repparttar 109778 mischievous and lovable drummer Ringo Starr and George Harrisonrepparttar 109779 spiritualist. Put them all together in a rock n roll band spanning almost a decade andrepparttar 109780 rest as they say is history. Their coming together, produced some ofrepparttar 109781 most significant and inspiring music that would affect people in so many different ways. Music that was impossible not to dance to, or to sing to, or to grab a guitar and jam with. Most music lovers can relate to just sitting back and letting those familiar haunting chills take over, a feeling that would stirrepparttar 109782 soul and invoke a passion that was just indefinable.

Getting back to George Harrison, his death came almost twenty one years torepparttar 109783 day that John Lennon was shot. Lennon’s death affected all Beatles fans more than they would care to remember, as it was such a huge shock. In Harrison’s case,repparttar 109784 fans knew he was gravely ill and that his death was inevitable. Allrepparttar 109785 same it is unbearable to think that he’s gone and now only two Beatles remain. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Its possible that, McCartney and Starr hate being referred to asrepparttar 109786 two remaining Beatles. George Harrison was once quoted as saying that he hated being referred to as a Beatle. McCartney and Starr’s lives have gone in different directions sincerepparttar 109787 good old days inrepparttar 109788 sixties. They have fulfilled many goals in their careers and they probably wish that all Beatle’s fans would stop living inrepparttar 109789 past. The problem is;repparttar 109790 fans cannot and never will and there are different generations of fans who loverepparttar 109791 Beatles. The Beatles probably have at least three generations of fans now. Many of their fans were not even born whenrepparttar 109792 Beatles split up and went their separate ways. Nevertheless, McCartney and Starr would be correct, it isn’t healthy to live inrepparttar 109793 past, but reminiscing is a different story.

Poker etiquette

Written by Oddvar Pettersen

Good poker etiquette will make you a popular poker player. Other players will applaud your successes and commiserate with you in your failures.

All poker players, but especiallyrepparttar more experienced ones, should provide an example of good poker etiquette for others to emulate. Bad poker manners result in an atmosphere of hostility, so it should be in every player's self-interest to develop good poker courtesy.

Every poker rooms intent is to provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere forrepparttar 109758 players while they are playing and they expect players to abide by certain rules of poker courtesy.

Violation of poker etiquette rules may lead torepparttar 109759 player being permanently banned fromrepparttar 109760 casino or closure of his account when playing online.

The normal courtesies for traditional cardroom poker are also expected inrepparttar 109761 internet cardrooms and you should ALWAYS:

* Be curtious to other players.

* Keep your cards and chips onrepparttar 109762 table during play.

* Make decisions in a timely manner and keep pace withrepparttar 109763 play ofrepparttar 109764 game.

* Pay attention torepparttar 109765 action atrepparttar 109766 table when you are inrepparttar 109767 game.

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