Written by Maureen Metcalf

The transition from 2004 to 2005 has been electrifying. The international ramifications ofrepparttar deaths of so many people, andrepparttar 110081 wrecked livelihoods of multitudes of survivors, has brought about an international outpouring of concern and aid inrepparttar 110082 wake ofrepparttar 110083 massive earthquake and tsunamis that destroyedrepparttar 110084 coastlines of many nations inrepparttar 110085 southeast Asian region. This response, even toward an area ofrepparttar 110086 world which of late has exhibited antagonism toward Christians and Jews, is encouraging, amazing, and comforting. The outpouring of concern, aid, funds, and love, revealsrepparttar 110087 truth that those who have grown up in nations that traditionally adhere to Judeo-Christian ethics understandrepparttar 110088 value of human life, and willingly desire, and are even compelled, to help others in need, even ifrepparttar 110089 majority of those affected do not holdrepparttar 110090 same ideologies or religious affiliation. Even those who do not adhere to Christianity or Judaism within many nations have caughtrepparttar 110091 urgency, and are willingly giving of their resources to assist inrepparttar 110092 clean-up and rehabilitation. It seems all mankind has been mobilized by this event!

Therefore, as often has been historically demonstrated in such disasters, inrepparttar 110093 midst of tragedy, God's love, grace, and mercy are extended, and many people find themselves willing to listen torepparttar 110094 gospel message.

However atrepparttar 110095 same time, many still ask, "Where is God?" ""If God indeed exists, why do tragedies occur?" Or we hear sentiments such as, "A loving God would not let this happen! Therefore, God either does not exist, or He is a big bully! He certainly does not live up to His loving reputation!" So man's perception of God is directly challenged. Inrepparttar 110096 minds and hearts of many, since this disaster was caused by natural phenomena rather that either man-made political strife or misplaced idealism, God is singled out. After all, someone must be responsible! Inrepparttar 110097 desire for explanation and justice, there must be a perpetrator to accuse. Therefore, for lack of any other suspect, God is blamed!

The questions and accusations cannot, and should not, be dismissed. Rather, we must realize these are honest cries of suffering humanity, revealing frustration and anger atrepparttar 110098 apparent injustice of such obviously tragic devastation and loss of life. But, wasrepparttar 110099 earthquake and resultant tsunamis an "act of God?" The answers are neither a simple "yes" or "no."

Is God reallyrepparttar 110100 perpetrator? Can we pin this "crime" on Him? And, is mankind totally exempt of any "blame"inrepparttar 110101 face of natural disaster? Is this actually a "crime?" Or is it simply nature out of control?

Obviously,repparttar 110102 planet we live on has its imperfections, or earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanic activity, storms, avalanches, mudslides, and other natural disasters, would never occur. God created this universe and everything in it, and He pronounced it all "good." Therefore, why is it so terribly flawed and dangerous?

God Himself isrepparttar 110103 essence of "goodness." He therefore is notrepparttar 110104 author of evil. But He also does not dismiss evil as inconsequential. He isrepparttar 110105 God of righteous justice, and as such, impurity cannot dwell in His Holy presence. Rather, He requires justice be done. In this life, this justice takesrepparttar 110106 form of natural consequence ofrepparttar 110107 curse. In that sense,repparttar 110108 rigors of justice do come from His hand. But He does not create evil. Evil entered inrepparttar 110109 form of deception and disobedience to His directive, therefore, when mankind sinned,repparttar 110110 perfect balance of this natural world became tainted with imperfection. All creation fell underrepparttar 110111 curse. The curse is not an evil itself, rather it is a consequence ofrepparttar 110112 evil. This curse has plagued all creation ever since Adam and Eve sinned. So yes, mankind, by reason of his fallen nature, must take some ofrepparttar 110113 responsibility for natural disorder because of sin, and yes, God's justice plays a part also.

Wind Farms and Corruption

Written by Doctor Edward C Hamlyn MBChB

There is only one reason that wind turbines will be built inrepparttar West Country.

Our Press has failed to tell its readers ofrepparttar 110080 corruption which stares us inrepparttar 110081 face, but is not seen as such. For example; The target to be met is to produce 10% of our electricity from renewable sources underrepparttar 110082 Kyoto Protocol. That has nothing to do with significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2010, whichrepparttar 110083 Government are permitting British industry to increase by 7.5% overrepparttar 110084 next three years.

The Rt. Hon. Mike O’Brien claims that economic expansion at a time of growth is far more important than bothering about CO2 emissions. Mr. O’ Brien’s sole concern is to increase by 10%,repparttar 110085 amount of electricity produced by renewable energy, inrepparttar 110086 form of wind farms.

The fact thatrepparttar 110087 creation and erection ofrepparttar 110088 requisite number of wind turbines will involverepparttar 110089 emission of far more CO2 thanrepparttar 110090 wind farms will ever reduce, is dismissed as being irrelevant. Such twisted logic is just pure corruption - But never mentioned byrepparttar 110091 Press. Nor isrepparttar 110092 vast financial gains to be made by seducing us into accepting these wind farms in our back yard. They will cost a lot of money and huge profits will be made. But unseen and unthought of, isrepparttar 110093 question; “Where will allrepparttar 110094 vast quantity of new money come from?”

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