Running On Empty

Written by Sibyl McLendon

It’s a fast-paced world. More and more of us are finding less and less free time in our lives. You knowrepparttar feeling… its always something/someone who needs us. Work is hectic, and it seems like you have to work harder and longer just to stay even.

Families are getting busier and busier. Our kids are always off somewhere, soccer, band,repparttar 131130 mall… and somehow you always have to drive them or get them ready. Clothes to be washed, bills to pay, deadlines to meet and meals to cook. And you want me to take time out for myself? Are you nuts?

Nope. I may be nuts, but not because I want you to take some time out and give it to yourself. The gift of some “ME time” isrepparttar 131131 best gift that you can give to yourself, and actually, inrepparttar 131132 end it is a gift for your family and your boss as well.

Are you feeling a bit thin these days? Stretched out like taffy until you are almost see-through? There really is only one way to get your substance back, and that is by finding and using some “Me time”. “Me time” is that long, relaxing bath where you light candles and listen to soothing music. It is time that is spent out onrepparttar 131133 porch, alone and daydreaming. It is sitting in your favorite chair, reading that book that you always wanted to get to. It is meditation, contemplation, it is time spent alone.

You can find this time if you want to, if you make it (and you) a priority in your life. If your family is not really “down” with it, then just do it anyway. They will adjust. They will seerepparttar 131134 benefit after you come back from it, refreshed and relaxed.

You have to be consistent for this to really be of benefit, and for your family to learn to respect your time. Set aside “ME time” say, 3 times a week, every week. Even 15 minutes will help. Stop looking at “Me time” as “wasting time” and begin to look at it as a recharge of your batteries. If you had something physically wrong with you and a doctor prescribed a medication for you to take 3 times a week that would put you back into perfect health, you would take it. Well, this is a prescription for your mental and emotional health. People who are stretched thin get sick. Your immune system is greatly affected by your emotions. Begin to seerepparttar 131135 “me time” as medicine for your soul.

The Power of Authenticity.

Written by by Barbara Rose

How "powerful" are you?

Do you ever cover up how you genuinely feel? Do you ever say what you think you "should," say, based on how you want others to perceive you?

Do you ever think you "should" be a certain way?


I’ll share with you why I did inrepparttar past. I "thought" I "should" be a certain way, say certain things, act inrepparttar 131128 manner that I "thought" would bring me eitherrepparttar 131129 results I was attached to, orrepparttar 131130 acceptance of those I wanted.

How powerful was I? About as powerful as a spineless wimp.

When my behavior was incongruent with how I sincerely felt, all I did was give away my power. I then felt less powerful than before.

If my energy went into trying to live up to a fictitious image I "thought" I "should" be, then what I was doing in actuality, was depleting myself of my genuine, authentic power.

There is nothing more powerful than BEING who you really are.

Being strong enough to say what you really think, show how you really feel, and actrepparttar 131131 way you really feel like behaving is called congruency.

This takes guts.

It requires self-respect.

When you are aligned with yourself, THEN you are authentically powerful.

Whose acceptance are you trying to get? Stop. Get your own.

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