Run Your Own Race - At Your Own Pace

Written by Eileen McDargh, CSP, CPAE

On Thanksgiving Day, dawn spills over Dana Point Harbor where thousands of runners gather forrepparttar annual Turkey Trot. The largest holiday race in California beckons folks of all ages, sizes, shapes, and abilities. Waiting atrepparttar 122865 starting line forrepparttar 122866 10-K, I talk to a Dad and his 7 year-old daughter. Around me, I hear bravado talk about marathons, triathlons, hard bodies and zippo fat content. Thankfully, I spy silver haired folks with knee braces, a young couple with babies in jogging strollers and runners decked in costumes ranging from Santa Claus to Elvis Presley. Running in a gold polyester jump suit, and pompadour wig while carrying a boom box blaring Elvis tunes will be some trick. Me-I just want to finish.

The gun goes off and we all inch our way underrepparttar 122867 balloon arch. Runners jostle for position, elbowing their way to break into stride. Me-I just grin atrepparttar 122868 new day and feel righteous for having gotten up and down torepparttar 122869 event.

By mile two, my righteousness turns to dismay asrepparttar 122870 seven year-old passes me by. Elvis has already maderepparttar 122871 turn way before me and I am lagging behind a woman who must have 10 years and 20 pounds on me. The sense of competitiveness heats up and so does my pace. I forget that I already run two miles down torepparttar 122872 Harbor and have 4.2 miles left to go. The runners around me set my pace.

Check Your Comfort Zone At The Door

Written by Josh Hinds

Check Your Comfort Zone At The Door By Josh Hinds (c) 2004

No matter what goals and dreams you desire, there's a good chance it's going to mean reaching beyond what you believe yourself to be capable of.

This fine line between what we think we can achieve and cannot is often referred to as one's comfort zone.

Whether it's giving a report in class, or preparing to make a speech torepparttar board of directors at your company -- we all have a point where we begin to doubt what we're made of. Can we really pull it off we ask ourselves?

Perhaps you're asking yourself something similar at this very moment in your life. Let me assure you --repparttar 122864 answer is YES! Yes you can.

Now that's not to say you're not going to be scared, or perhaps even hear your knees knocking. Fear, is simply part of being human -- to some degree, we all deal with it.

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