Router Bit Basics

Written by Kaitlin Carruth

A router bit is a tool for woodworking giving a quality finish to woodwork. It cuts wood providing a way to give a clean and even a decorative edge to woodwork. The following is some basic information about router bits to get you started in your woodworking efforts.

The Parts of a Router Bit

Here arerepparttar there main parts of a router bit: 1) The shank-repparttar 142008 part ofrepparttar 142009 router bit that is inserted intorepparttar 142010 collet (the sleeve ofrepparttar 142011 router). 2) The cutting edge- this part cuts and removesrepparttar 142012 wood. They are available in several sizes and shapes. 3) The pilot-repparttar 142013 guide forrepparttar 142014 router in order to make a correct cut. It can be an extension ofrepparttar 142015 shank or a ball bearing attachment.

The Different Kinds of Router Bits

While there are over 50 router bit profiles, here arerepparttar 142016 four basic types of router bits: 1) Grooving Bits- These bits make a groove inrepparttar 142017 piece of wood. This type of bit is commonly used for street address signs for homes. Different types of grooving bits includerepparttar 142018 V-Groove,repparttar 142019 Round-Nose andrepparttar 142020 Straight Bits. 2) Joinery Bits- Router bits that help make several different types of joints. This type of router bit includesrepparttar 142021 Finger Joint,repparttar 142022 Drawer Lock,repparttar 142023 Rile and Stile, and Dovetail Bits. 3) Edge Bits- Bits used to create different-shaped edges in woodwork. Examples of these types of bits includerepparttar 142024 Beading, Flush, and Round-over bits. 4) Specialized Bits- These bits do not fit into one ofrepparttar 142025 above categories and have more specialized purposes includingrepparttar 142026 Key Hole, Raised Panel, and T-Slot bits.

Carbide versus HSS bits

Most ofrepparttar 142027 bits you will find available in hardware stores are carbide (short for tungsten carbide) tipped. These router bits are made of a very hard material that stays sharp longer than steel and is resistant to heat. However, this type of router bit can chip and is very expensive (this is why most ofrepparttar 142028 bits are tipped and not made completely of carbide).

I Need What Part?

Written by Henry Morgan

I Need What Part?

One ofrepparttar first things you learn as a homeowner is that you may own your home, but you don’t actually live in it full time. You get to spendrepparttar 141970 rest of your time living inrepparttar 141971 hardware store or hardware dept of your local retail store. Unfortunatelyrepparttar 141972 olderrepparttar 141973 homerepparttar 141974 more frequent you visit this vast place with aisles and aisles of thingies and who whos, that previously meant little more than, ‘‘…that aisle that my dad use to get all kinds of shiny pipes, connectors, and silver and brass things.” A place where he spent many hours, (and you will too), talking about stuff with strange names and even stranger looking objects’d plumbing. For now I’m just going to talk about plumbing. The first thing to realize is that older homes have plumbing systems that use galvanized pipe, which will corrode over time, leading to low pressure and leaks, (modern homes use copper and flexible pipe). Also in most modern homes there are usually “stop valves”, (these arerepparttar 141975 little turn thingies) under each sink and toilet inrepparttar 141976 house,repparttar 141977 most important one isrepparttar 141978 main water cut off. KNOW WHERE THIS IS LOCATED!! Or be ready to watch “Ole Faithful” wash your ceiling. So, as a result of my many “Trial by Water” episodes of plumbing problems, I thought it time to clarify some ofrepparttar 141979 incorrect definitions of plumbing terms withrepparttar 141980 correct ones used byrepparttar 141981 pros, at least,repparttar 141982 “pros” in my local hardware store. These are all terms that I have come across in my attempts (more failures and disasters than success stories) to rectify some problems I have encountered with my 20 year old home.

1) ABS pipe… not to be confused with PVC pipe ABS-Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene: …It is a rigid black plastic pipe used for drain, waste and vent lines. PVC-Polyvinyl Chloride: …It is a rigid white or cream colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure systems, such as drainage, waste and vent systems.

2) Aerator: This is not biology…. it is NOT part of a woman’s anatomy. …It is a device screwed intorepparttar 141983 end of a faucet spout that mixes air into flowing water, and controls flow to reduce splashing.

3) Drip Channel: This is not a TV channel for plumbers, or your spouse’s cousin. …A metal channel that is designed to prevent water running down a shower door from dripping ontorepparttar 141984 floor whenrepparttar 141985 door is opened.

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