Roulette - The Basics

Written by Tom McBroom

Roulette is actually one ofrepparttar simplest games inrepparttar 138590 casino to play, despiterepparttar 138591 busy- looking table and multiple colors of chips used. The pace is fairly relaxed compared to blackjack and positively glacial compared to craps. An added plus is thatrepparttar 138592 tables are usually not crowded. You can thus play for moderately long periods of time without serious financial risk, even thoughrepparttar 138593 house edge is considerably higher than blackjack or craps.


The wheel is divided into 38 evenly spaced slots into whichrepparttar 138594 ball will eventually land. Each slot has a number and color that matches corresponding numbers and colors onrepparttar 138595 betting table. The numbers are from 1 to 36, with half black and half red. The remaining two slots are for zero and double zero, both of which are colored green.

NOTE: Some roulette games have a wheel with only a single zero - no double zero. This meansrepparttar 138596 wheel will have 37 instead of 38 numbers, which effectively cutsrepparttar 138597 house edge in half. You will find very few single zero games in Las Vegas, but if you find one, jump on it. The house edge is only 2.6%, making it one ofrepparttar 138598 better casino games to play.

SPECIAL NOTE: The little Nevada Palace on Boulder Highway, across from Sam's Town, has a single zero roulette table open allrepparttar 138599 time.

The dealer spinsrepparttar 138600 wheel and then spins a small ivory or steel ball aroundrepparttar 138601 rim ofrepparttar 138602 wheel inrepparttar 138603 opposite direction. Whenrepparttar 138604 ball finally comes to rest in one ofrepparttar 138605 slots, repparttar 138606 dealer calls outrepparttar 138607 winning number and color and places a marker over that number onrepparttar 138608 betting table for all to see.

There are many different bets indicated onrepparttar 138609 betting table, as follows:

Video Poker - Tips to Remember

Written by Tom McBroom

Video poker is an easy game to learn to play well, so do takerepparttar time to learnrepparttar 138589 basic draw strategy, as well asrepparttar 138590 best machines to play (the ones withrepparttar 138591 most favorable payout schedule). In addition,repparttar 138592 tips below will give you a better chance of winning and overall makerepparttar 138593 game more enjoyable.

+ Never keep a kicker (an extra card, often an ace) with any pair. This lowers your chance of drawing three of a kind.

+ Make certainrepparttar 138594 "hold" button shows for each card you want to hold before pushing repparttar 138595 draw button.

+ Make surerepparttar 138596 machine uses a "hold" button. Most do, but a few use a "discard" button instead, where you indicaterepparttar 138597 cards you want to discard by pushingrepparttar 138598 button instead ofrepparttar 138599 cards you want to hold.

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