Rocky Smolin Makes Leasing Option Available to Small Manufacturers

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for virtually unlimited part numbers.”

Companies like Hi-Rel Corporation have utilized this delineation recently by leasingrepparttar 137643 E-Z MRP system for manufacturers with more than 500 parts. According to Jerry Stouffer, “It made sense given our cash flow and I would recommend E-Z-MRP to other small manufacturers becauserepparttar 137644 support is excellent andrepparttar 137645 product is easy to work with.”

Stouffer did suggest that manufacturers looking for a customer relations management module should look at something else. However he was impressed with, “…How fast it (E-Z-MRP) calculates our requirements. I have 800 items inrepparttar 137646 database and it only takes 20 seconds.”

Small manufacturers with more than about a hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 137647 manufacturing process manually or on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 137648 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 137649 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 137650 price point.

Mass Marketing Manufacturing Media Blitz Founder TR Cutler, Inc. Adds Strategic Alliance Partner Focus Marketing

Written by Thomas Cutler

Ranked asrepparttar nation’s leading manufacturing journalist and an editor, TR Cutler ( has added another strategic partnership with Focus Marketing ( According to Cutler, “This strategic alliance makes sense because we knowrepparttar 137642 value Focus Marketing brings torepparttar 137643 table. From Collateral Development, Event Management, Internationalization, Distribution Channel Development, Networking Programs, Lead Generation, Website, and Newsletters, TR Cutler, Inc. can now provide a comprehensive turnkey marketing solution.”

• Cutler foundedrepparttar 137644 Manufacturing Media Consortium™ inrepparttar 137645 same year. This is a group of more than 2000 journalists worldwide writing about trends, data, case studies, profiles, and features inrepparttar 137646 manufacturing and industrial sector. Cutler worked with hundreds of media outlets to expandrepparttar 137647 coverage and importance ofrepparttar 137648 manufacturing media coverage. • Cutler createdrepparttar 137649 "Mass Marketing Manufacturing Media Blitz", a comprehensive 90 - 180 day program allowing manufacturers with little web presence or with a new product introduction to go from zero to sixty in a short-term PR campaign.

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